Friday, December 30, 2011

Cross borders

With the new faces I see..
The little encounters with strangers, that come with everyday life..
I can not express the beauty & awe for the differences & similarities
If only we all could cross borders, cross nations & continents..
If only we opened not only our minds, But our hearts..
Imagine the possibilities that would come forth..
Doors would open...Knowledge & understanding would grow..
Love & compassion can not & should not be restrained to the limitations of "Self"

So very blessed to witness the beauty of His creation..
Ya Rab please continue to humble me... Ameen.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I can remember when it all started,
Was so in love with you.
Hung on every word..

The clouds have shifted..
The shade's always changing..

Here we are..
I'm still madly in love
Hung on every step that you make..


Monday, December 26, 2011


As long as we've got Jannah on our mind... The wrongs that are afflicted on us within' this dunya, big or small, won't hold us back. As long as we continue to cling to the errors, we lose a bit of our better selves.


I forgive you.

Somewhere out there
You are standing
Here I am..
Happy to be.

A brief memory
of the surrender in me..
The pain you gave me.
The pain I clung to.

Here I am..
Able to say I forgive you.
In my heart I know..
We all need to grow, sometimes let go.
Why hold back a chance?
I wouldn't wish to hold back a single soul..
Not my greatest enemy.

I seek Allah's Love & Mercy
Just as much for you,
as I would want for myself.

To there where you are..
Here I am saying..

I forgive you.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Ripple In Progress

Even if it seems like our sincerest of efforts,
make the smallest of ripples..
Or so they appear.
A ripple is still a ripple in progress.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


We should never get so wrapped up with our own lives..
That we neglect others.
Your family members.. Your neighbors.. HUMANITY.
We are all brothers and sisters.
Love & compassion should be without borders.
We are all children under God/Allah Subhan Wa Ta'ala

Let us remember the ripples our actions make..
Whether they be bad or good.

Let us not pray simply for ourselves..
But for others as well.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Perfection in His plan

Always amazed by Allah's perfect timing... his perfect planning... The many directions we take on this path, the good & seemingly bad... All in fact Allah's perfection. The puzzle fits into place.... Alhamdulilah, for the very spot we're standing....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Its sad that a person's insecurity,
can prohibit one from experiencing..
full, mutual, honest & open relationships.

Its sad that one should hold grudges
against one that is simply living & making a life.
That's life.

The paths have widened..
But never was the door shut...
Never was the love held on a condition.

Compassion, love & support is all I've ever given you...
That's what makes your actions,or lack of..
all the more difficult to take..

I love you more than you know.
I love you for the sake of Allah subhan wa ta'ala.
Blood is blood & nothing will change that.

My heart is open, But for now..
I'll stop hurting myself with the mortal reality...
And focus on the spiritual reality....InshAllah.


Monday, December 12, 2011


‎We've been trialed & tested.. Our commitment first n' foremost to Allah subhan wa ta'ala, our covenant & love for each other has inshAllah strengthened our Sabr. May we continue this way together on our journey to Him.. ♥ InshAllah. Ameen.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My wish

And all I want is to be nearer to You. Jannah heavy on my heart & mind... May I live & die true to You, as a muslim. Ya Rab ameen.

Friday, December 2, 2011

His creation

All Allah's creation should be loved & appreciated...whether it be a street cat to the poor person.. To all living things near or far...this city or that country. To not love all of Allah's creation is to not love Allah himself.... May we never feel we're better than anyone or anything & may we treat all animals and human beings with love and compassion. Ya Rab ameen♥

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fast life

There was a time
Unbeknownst to me..
I was naive.. insecure..

Born into a society where you conform.
Born into a state of numbness.
Where wrongs seem right

The fast life
Fresh & new were the experiences
Only trying to have,
a bit of fun, a little freedom
Barely keepin' up..
Always on the go..
It was never enough.

In the crowd of
new moves..
New shoes..
new looks..
new beau's..
Booze, energy drinks, & all nighters.

Never felt more alone in the world,
Then I did with,
The swarms of people around me.
Heads in the clouds..Or
Minds in the gutter.

Going through the motions
In my heart, I never felt I belonged.

I let it all go.

Don't get me wrong..
My heart is always dancing..
My spirit always high..

Ever since I filled my life with HIM
I've never felt alone.

Stronger in faith.

Alhamdulilah...All praise be to God


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I often find myself thinking,contemplating and feeling the weight of the world.
Sometimes it brings chills down my spine, hair on end....and my blood boiling.
The only clarity & the only comfort being with Allah subhan wa ta'ala.
His promise.


Friday, November 18, 2011

To be

I don't wish to die
I don't wish to cut this Life short

I pray to pass this test
To escape this dunya

I yearn to be nearer to You
I wish to be truly Free.

Bittersweet are these tears.
To pain, yet thankful.


Reap what we sow

If we source all our happiness from others,
We're bound to feel heartache..
We're bound to be let down.

What would Life be without,
The exchange of Love between people?

But happiness starts inside.
We need to nurture it..
Then watch it grow.

It starts from spirituality within'.
We'll reap what we sow.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Allah subhan wa ta'ala gave us minds to THINK. Not to mindlessly, selfishly & ignorantly REACT.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ugly? Thank You.

Who are you to judge?
To label a group of people..
A country even?

Ugly you say?…
Contorted was your expression.

You categorized me with them,
Based on my appearance…
Based on your ignorance.

Thank you, I take it as a compliment.

Who are you to judge?
Nothing is uglier than Jealousy & Ego..

Not as ugly as your mouth.



ALL the money in the world, couldn't buy true class.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Humanity... Mosaic of Mirrors

Mosaic of mirrors
That is what we are

Reflections of,
One Light...
One Source...
One Power...

Sometimes we fall down,
And even when we know in our hearts,
Another's own reflection & perspective,
Reminds you...
Clarifies you...

Just another light shed upon Truth.
A feeling already instilled inside you.

Mosaic of mirrors
That is what we are to each other.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good vs Bad

Alhamdulilah... truly blessed to have those I love in my life, near or far. Sometimes we focus too hard on what we don't have, yet strive to achieve & forget to be thankful for everything that has led us to the very point we're standing. Its a choice, sometimes a hard choice to decide to recognize the good over the bad.


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Feeling myself numbing..
from the outside in
Fighting it from the inside out.
To my core..
An ache that visits more frequently
Numbness inching its way nearer
This feeling in my chest..
Yearning to work its way out
Flowing of tears, mask the pain
Until the next strain..
Ya Allah please set me free.
Give me a feeling.
A light.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ya Allah

Ya Allah..
Oh how I love you..
In a world you've built for me..
I've built my heart around You..
I can't live without you...
Yearning to return to where it All started..
I hope to see You again.



Not a menu

There is so much that I want & wish to do for my loved ones.. and it tears me apart when I feel there is so much out of my hands. Some things I can't just make happen. Its not like life is like a menu & you take an order.. I suppose this is where the patience part is really supposed to kick in. But, in the meantime I struggle with myself with the feeling of uselessness when doing all that I can do, feels like it isn't enough. People can tell me otherwise, But it won't change what I feel in my heart. Ya Rab... bless us with the good in this life & the good in the next... Ameen.


Take a walk

Sometimes we need to break out of our own comfort zone & make an honest attempt to walk in someone else's shoes. At least try to have an understanding. Humility... compassion...

Monday, October 17, 2011

That Girl

Looking back in time
A relationship that once was
Youthful..young & naive.
I feel for that girl, the heartache she endured.
Hope & dreams were JUST that.
Sorry for that girl, But not the women she escaped to be.
A relationship that needed growth..
Within' it..
She could not..
She never had a chance to BE.



In Life
Through storm or sunny breeze
Stand rooted with Truth
Relationships come & go..
Whether friend, fo or next of kin
Circles we go
To love unconditionally
To forgive & forgive
To have patience when Life takes a turn
Circles we go.
Like a spiritual/emotional spiral..
Till the very end..


Sunday, October 16, 2011


The day is long..
The night even longer.
Thoughts that keep this body.
Like clouds that continue to shift & take leave..
Body in a limbo..
Until my mind fatigues & body ceases
Will sleep find me.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lead us to Jannah

He is there..

For those that are patient.
For those that struggle for good.
For those pure of heart.
For those tormented and afflicted.

May our actions in this Life be good,moral & selfless...
May these ripples lead us to Jannah/Heaven..

To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sometimes I feel like trying to be & being a good person isn't good enough. Yet that's all that I can be..


Friday, October 7, 2011

Blood is blood

There are times you can’t help but sit back, or while going about your daily motions and reminisce of things come to pass.
Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder what it is you think I’ve actually ever done to you.. Nothing kept me from supporting, caring, and loving you. Blood is blood and what I felt for you was unconditional.. Despite everything & anything. Not because I was weak… or less than.. But that’s what family is for isn’t it???
We all grow up and some of us slower than others, But still in all we end up going our own ways. I never neglected or abandoned the relationship.. I too have a life and at times have a schedule to stick to. No different than anyone else.. or like yourself.
So one day you come to learn I’m a MUSLIM. That’s when it all changed between us. Not to say there wasn’t an effort on my part… You ignored me & gave me the cold shoulder. The first time you saw me in Hijab, you couldn’t look me in the face.. What’s so hard to see? I’m still Amie… I’m still me… I prayed..hoped…and cried over you despite your cruelness to me. I don’t think you even realize the ramifications of your actions, or lack of. Perhaps, my lifestyle cramps your style? I never judged you for yours, But judged for myself.
I’m sorry you’ve chosen this way & I’m sorry it still hurts me to this day.
My God is your God…


Sunday, October 2, 2011


The roof over our heads
May come crashing down...
From the inside out...
Or the outside in.
Home by tangible means will always change..
Depending where the wind blows by Allah's will..
But home of my heart..
I'll always strive to keep.
No matter the surroundings..
Through chaos and through calm
In my heart of hearts I'll stand firm
In total remembrance of Allah subhan wa ta'ala..
Instilled in my heart an unconditional love and awe of all that is..
His Promise.
Forever happy and nobody & nothing can take that from me.
There's no denying Truth.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Not without thought..

I didn’t get to the point I’m standing by fumbling, stumbling or blind chance. I’m where I am because I’ve thought long and hard… I’ve sought & worked hard for it. I AM happy.



You shouldn’t use people to solve your problems and for your own comfort. You can try to sugar coat selfishness as generosity or as a smart idea.. But it isn’t and it’s far from… Allah knows best.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


This love takes over..
Its got a hold over my best & worst..
Sinking & rising..
In a sea of emotion..
It is all I want to know.
The shores I'll pass.


Took the chance

Maybe my love was stronger than you knew.
You had the instinct & you took the chance.
Maybe now because of that chance..
You're a changed man...just like I'm a changed woman.
Maybe you weren't sure then..
But you are now in every sense of the word.
Deep down it cripples me to think that I was partly chance..a risk.
Despite all that, we're here to where we are with blood & sweat.
Bittersweet is this knowledge..
It is what it is & I'm grateful.



In the end We all want happiness...
We all have our own ways going about obtaining it.
One's definition of happiness may vary from one person to the next.
True happiness..
May we find the way..
May we be rightly guided.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

True love never fades

A heart lost and found
Fallin’ in love with you..
Over and over…
I couldn’t ask for more..
This love surpassing every expectation,
Yet from the very beginning we knew this would be.
Life will pass us by..
But this love will never fade away.


Sunday, September 18, 2011


The world is crumbling
And there really is no escape,
No matter how best you plan & prepare.
All you can do is stand firm.
In your heart of hearts stand firm in your Faith.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pen & paper

Sometimes the friend I need isn't there.

And all I have is pen and paper..
Sometimes I convey what I wish...
Sometimes I can't find the words....
But at least... their essence permeates.

When I need that shoulder to lean on..
I just come back to what I've written...
Like an old reminder of what you already know to be true..


Nothing Compares..

It doesn't matter how much people take from you in this life, whether they do so knowingly or unknowingly... Directly or indirectly..
Nothing compares to what Allah has in store for us. Nothing compares to His Promise.
So.. No matter how hard the road is.. I am content in knowing that this Life is but a stepping stone for the next.
May we stay rightly guided.. May we face hardship with grace.. For True Happiness is with Him...
Ya Rab... Ameen



Never gonna stop..
No matter how hard we're tried in this world..

I'm never gonna stop clinging to the Truth.


Thursday, September 15, 2011


Life is full of circles.

Here you show up after so long..
Your coming around I knew..

Was a matter of time.

Just didn't realize how'd it feel..
Comin' out of the blue...

The silence said it all.
Time was on my side..
Through it I grew..through it I healed.

You were never uninvited..
The opportunity was & is always there..
Earn it...

I wish you nothing but the best..

My heart's big enough.

Just not giving you my head.



Overwhelmed with the weight of the world...
Still clinging to something...anything..
You feel you're weak..

I see you as stronger, wiser and braver..

Even in your darkest moments..
There's a light inside that shines through.

You're beautiful.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Living or dying

Every moment of our lives..
Whether it be of the living or dying..

Same difference.
Except how we carry on..

Whether we look life or death in the face..

Same difference.
Except how we look on..

Every moment a poem in motion


Monday, September 5, 2011

To be happy

You know . . .

When you've gone through so much in life.. the many hardships..
You can become so accustomed to the negativity you forget to be positive.
We're so caught up in the pain and when we don't have it, sometimes we create it.. Like a bad habit.

There is a deciding moment we all must make . . .
And its whether or not we want to be happy . . .
The moments we find the beauty and blessings in everything . . .
To see through the pain and realize that yes . . .
Allah is there and He has a plan for us . . .
To see that light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe it takes faking it to make it in the beginning of breaking bad habits.
It just takes remembering that healing comes from the inside out . . .
And if we really want to see the positive/good in everything, it wouldn't be so hard to act positive/good in everything . . .

So when we "all" realize this,InshAllah . .  .

Watch the ripples grow.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

My sister

Bittersweet are these tears..
The love for a sister,
Closer than the scent of a rose.
Your essence always permeating my mind..
Bittersweet the love I remember and clearly feel
Through my ups and downs you're always making way
Distance can't touch this bond, this sort of love
I reminisce of you and everything you mean to me.
I love you now and always..
Here you are nestled safe in my heart of hearts.


Giant Tree

Like a giant tree..
You I do cling to..
Your branches I'll never break

Nor will the world ever break us..

Our love will get us through
Only with you..with you.

Feel our love grow..
Like a giant tree..
Our foundations deeply rooted..
Together our hopes & dreams continue to branch out..
Our hard work bearing fruit.

Like a giant tree
You and me will always be.


screwed over

Doesn’t matter which way you turn.
Of all people you’re the one that’s always screwed over.
Nobody sincerely thinks of the bigger picture other than themselves, and there's no true/just solution in sight..Only that of Self..
Only of themselves...
Only themselves.



you have no choice but to pick up and leave. We can't control, change or enlighten others. So if you find life unfair and you're constantly hitting a brick wall.. make the decision to take a jump and leave to live your life as you truly believe...

"this" is the only change you can set in motion..

Its the same "shitaki", just a different day.
Our happiness depends on what we do or don't do with it.

change doesn't come along until we remove ourselves from a situation.

Considering all factors affecting our circumstances,... you do what you can as an individual, you, too, being a factor, There's no overall change in sight-

change only comes with taking a jump... picking up, starting fresh and leaving.

 you just have to leave to "live"!

you have to leave to be happy -

it takes being gone for any real change to begin within' ourselves.. whether it's the person being missed, or by those who will finally realize what's gone.

you're stuck in a real hurt, a dark place..

All you want is peace of mind, comfort & happiness..
We can't step on others to get to the top..
Can they call "this" being successful?
Manipulative, self-centered, their outward deeds don't match with their hearts(hardened)
You live in denial or through self-justification..
But, there's no changing (altering) the truth
Whether you see it or not, they'll be held accountable for themselves (their actions)

Allah Always Knows Best!


No titles for Rubbish

I'm tired of you being under-appreciated.. I'm tired of the double standard that you must face.. I'm tired of seeing the one person I know to be truly giving, caring, truthful and fair being taken advantage of. In fact you're put down to the ground they walk on.. You deserve more.. so much more than that.

People can sugar coat it.. Twist it.. Spin it..
But, there's no brainwashing me.
There's no denial here.
Bad habits speak the Truth.

I look forward to the day we can truly be free.. Living life morally & with a conscience.. Writing that new chapter.. Our own story to tell.. InshAllah.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jumpin' ahead of ourselves

Sometimes we jump too fast to a conclusion about others because we fear the worst & naturally only want the best.. But more often than not we might be selling someone short & quite honestly, ourselves. We ought to be thinking of the best in everyone. Lets not paint the world and everyone in it black. Everyone wants to be loved & excepted.. Everyone, at least most everyone, wants to be happy.. It might take more effort than we realize..But lets strive a little more to see the best in people. :)


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dreamed of you

In a dream my dear friend reappeared..

You were as real and as close as the feelings I have.

Your friendship felt as strong as I ever remembered..

A few laughs and a warm hug shared, there wasn't a feeling of near departure..

Only of what always Or I hope to be.

All despite the silence & distance that stands between us.

The reality of spiritual being without geographical restrictions..

Friends connected at the heart no matter where we are.
Until I hear from you again..thinking of you.

Your friend,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

No Longer

Here you reappear out of the blue..
For reasons I won’t speculate.
Gone are the times I let myself be consumed..
I no longer pain in your remembrance..
I no longer yearn to understand what & why..

I never imagined I could break free & be truly happy..
But I am above & beyond..
I’m content.

And here you come knocking.
You may have an ego to save..But I’ve long moved on.
No longer crippled by you.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ignorance isn't bliss

People are spoon fed propaganda and they seem to love the taste of its poison. Ignorance isn’t bliss.. Allah/God does guide us & present to us opportunities, But we have the choice to open our hearts & minds to be discerning. Hearts have hardened… But inshAllah/God willing those that believe and are truly listening within’ can make the positive ripples to make the changes necessary in this world. Despite our circumstances that we stand in..may we pass the test in true Faith.IsA

Friday, August 19, 2011

Was it? Is it?

Everyone’s pushing ..shoving..and groveling to get to the top..
Blood…flesh & bone…
Every life…every soul under their feet
What a lonely road to go..what a lonely place to be
Is it worth it? Was it worth it?
Their souls too deteriorate  with the superficial inanimate tangibles they cling to.



You can turn a blind eye..
Go about your daily business..
But you know its still there.
Still..You feel the error where it persists.
Like a fog heavy and thick.. it lingers in the air.
Prayer..thought and reflection my only remedy..
Like a sooth shield.



Again & again.

Deep Down..
Feelin’ the ache & pinch of people’s afflictions.
Near or far..
In its host Error screams its nasty scream..
Like the empty vessel when rattled upon.
Creeping & clawing from the inside out..
Hope & aspirations surging through my veins..

What a mix of it all..What a mix.
Scratchin’ & tearin’ at the flesh won’t make it go away.
What a yearning..what an itch.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I don't want any part of it

Life IS short. Its shorter than most like to believe it is and they waste their time on the superficial/self-indulgent/rub​bish. Life...Get it right. Make it right to the best of your capabilities. If we were to die at this very moment, can we live with our choices and actions? I have no time to judge/hate or filly dally about with human error and its distractions.
The small things everyone in this world dwells in... I've just got no time for.
I .don't .want .any .part .of. it.


"To Allah we belong & to Him is our return"

Today, my cousin didn’t pass away..She moved on to a better place. She had a long and hard struggle on her path, But it didn’t keep her from being all that she could be. For as much as there were times she felt weak,she was strong. Very strong and very loving. I grieve because I will miss her and I am but human..But, I will focus on the positive, the Truth that Is. She made many beautiful memories and gave us all so much love. A genuine love that you don’t forget. I won’t forget how much you’ve helped me Kim. I won’t forget you. Your love and your life continues to make ripples in our lives. I only hope that our paths meet in Jannah/Heaven. “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return” Until then.. I love you and I miss you.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Think Outside The Box..

True through & through..InshAllah
No matter my geographical footing.
I dedicate not to man or nation,
But Allah Alone.

Respect and love to all of His creation..
Life, love, peace and dignity to all
Regardless your skin,denomination or geographical location.
We are all brothers and sisters under Allah subhan wa ta'ala.
Shouldn't we want for others what we want for ourselves?

Don't let others restrict you to the box of superiority and self-entitlement..
Why should love and compassion be contained within' borders?
Don't restrict your love & life to this box..
Allah's will for us surpasses this.

Wake your mind & escape the prison.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The moment

The moment we choose instant gratification ..
The superficial..the tangible..the illusion...

The moment we choose..
This earthly existence over deeper thought, reflection, self analysis & spiritual growth..

Is the moment we choose this life over the next..
The moment we let a part of ourselves slip away.

It's the moment we die internally & spiritually.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life Aint A Charade

Life isn't a charade..
Let's not go on as if it were.

Some are professional manipulators..
But there is NO manipulation of Allah subhan wa ta'ala

Their attempts to manipulate me,
Insults my intelligence.
Its a disgusting low to be..

They may take my silence as a weakness,
They shouldn't.
Rather I'm a silent observer of what they do.

They've shut the door on themselves.
Never knowing the friend they've lost.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We can't change people around us, let alone make them see right from wrong, But we can take control of our own happiness and spread that happiness (inshAllah) by doing good to the best of our capabilities. I'm going to take control of my OWN life and continue to be happy, as long as I can live with myself & my actions.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Never too OLD!

You're never too old to have goals,
You're never too old to appreciate true beauty,
You're never too old to experience love,
You're never too old to learn something new,
Such as playing the violin, guitar or any medium in art.
Or to create that sensational perfume that you have in the back of your mind..
You're never too old to visit new places , to meet new faces..
In fact you're never too old to learn right from wrong.
You're never too old to be happy.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't or that you shouldn't..
Never let anyone keep you from Growing and Evolving in Life!

There is nothing wrong with reaching for the stars and dreaming the big dream..
When you let go of the inner child, you let go of Living and essentially you give up being all that you can be.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What afflicts them...afflicts you.

At the back of my mind..
I think of them.
As I carry on in my day
I think of them.

Those at the forefront
Nobody to hear their cries
Nobody to look to the other Side.
Nobody to genuinely look into their eyes.

A moment in my peaceful day
I hear their faint cries.
But they are far from forgotten & never will I ignore..
InshAllah, I'll live my days with them in my mind..
InshAllah, I'll have made the most of my days here in this Dunya striving for the betterment of our Ummah/Community

Their hope & dreams at the forefront..
InshAllah, I don't let them down..

For the innocent Palestinians, Jews & all people who are afflicted & tormented by the corruption of Politics and manipulation of Religion. Error isn't with religion, But the people themselves..

For the people who lived side by side as Muslims, Christians, and Jews under One God (Lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh)
in Peace.

For those whose lives within' AND outside of Palestine & Israel alike, have been shattered by the evil force of Zionism. .. and SELF.

InshAllah He guides & protects us all & keeps us discerning to Truth & Justice.


Monday, May 9, 2011


In order to obtain respect, one must show respect. Doesn't matter what the situation is, or how a person behaves. One should always act in a respectful, dignified manner in order to be taken seriously. The louder one screams, the farther one isolates. Empty vessels make the most sound. Be silent, thoughtful, and in control of your emotions. Let true thought of love, compassion, and generosity flourish. May this practice bring one wisdom. May it bring one Greater Understanding.

Ya Rab.


Life goes on

And Life goes on... Death a reminder to ourselves that we too will face our Creator. InshAllah we live everyday being the best that we're capable of. Spread love..And as Life goes on, remember that these days are merely a footstep,a stepping stone to Greater awakening. This life within' this dunya is nothing compared to the Life within' Jannah. InshAllah we make these days worth while... If you got drama in your life, make right and let go.

Make it right.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lifes too short

Life's too short to sweat the small stuff.. Life's too short to let ego and error get in the way of having good relationships with the ones you love, are closest to or wish to become closer with. In the end is the anger, spitefulness, resentment & so on really worth it?? Whether we realize it or not, our thoughts & actions towards others internalize. We have more control over our own happiness and relationships than we realize. Positivity and change starts inside. Nurture the love you have and aspire to have with others and feel it grow within' yourself. InshAllah


Friday, May 6, 2011

In Him

A bundle of emotions..
Some of which seek light..
And perhaps a few wish to remain as they are,
Shadows within'...

One word, but has no bounds

Good and the bad...

Sincerely grateful to You my Creator,
for instilling inside of me these signs

Yes, sometimes these emotions may feel overbearing
And you feel at a loss..
Imperfect we are and sometimes we cave into ourselves.

Whether to restrain or let them loose?
How to make sense of them when there is a storm brewing inside?

These are reminders to ourselves..
To turn to Him
Love Him
And be Grateful to Him

In Him Is the answer.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A fine line

There is a fine line between fighting for your country & fighting for the rights and freedoms of the people that live there. Don't let nationalism and extreme patriotism over ride all sense and neglect the rights and freedoms of your neighbors , regardless where they're from. I hope people stop and think. Ya Rab.

Monday, May 2, 2011


The chaos of this dunya feels like it will never cease to end.
But oh.. All will come to an end.
An end to the pain and strife of this life, dear dunya.
Where all are held accountable for every good/bad action or lack of.
So when I see the rubbish that is rubbed in our faces every single day...

This truth is what sets me free.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Change starts within' ourselves.

Sometimes vision of Right is blinded by our egos.A certainty within' isn't necessarily enough to be set in stone as reality,when subconsciously we could very well be protecting and justifying one's own interest.

Step back from ego and the hunger for more, more, and more. And in all seriousness give ourselves a personal critique. Maybe our view is a bit skewed, maybe not all facts/variables are within' our perspective. Lets take a moment to realize that maybe, MAYBE our judgment could be wrong because of this.

Lets try to take another look at ourselves and try to the best of our capabilities to stop,  LISTEN and not hear what we want to hear to justify a false judgment or need.

Lets truly listen and with that I mean understand the intention and feeling behind the words, since words are just words and we more often then not, fail to convey or listen outside of ourselves. The same applies towards our actions.

Lets simply NOT judge a person based on ourselves and not entirely of what we THINK we know.

Fact is we DON'T know or understand everything, for as much as we'd like to believe we are capable of doing so.

Keep an open mind. Don't think the worst of others or false judge them.

BE positive. BE a change within' yourself.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It takes a man

It takes a man to control his temper
And to speak with ease.
It takes a man to humble himself to those around him
It takes a man to sacrifice every last penny
Even when he is hungry..


Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't be the judge of me

You don't have to believe in me.
I'll stay true to my core..
Secrets held with no door.
Except its essence they may catch for but a moment.
They can't and won't be the judge of me
Except The All Knowing, The All Seeing, The Most Just, The Most Compassionate
Those to just name a few.
This is all I need to live my life faithfully..truly
Leaving my need for acceptance, acknowledgment and reward with Him..
Allah the Only One that fully understands me..
The Only One my heart desires.


Monday, March 28, 2011

If Only...

Its simple...look at the HERE and NOW. If you have an ounce of morality it shouldn't be hard to see right from wrong.. to see through the Titles and self proclaimed entitlement. Look at your neighbor near or far and realize you really share the same backyard. Look at your neighbor and see that together,you CAN change your future. Realize that your enemies are those that tell you otherwise, they tell you that this is not possible... They set the divide, creating sides, making you feel entitled, empowered or threatened. The right and just are really simple.. But realizing it for oneself isn't always as such..


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Her Eyes

Her eyes...
Look into their depths.
Dark and deep.
Her eyes engulf yours with their mystery..

She contains a universe longing to be known.
Words wont and will never part her lips..

Her eyes both warm and raging..
A majesty worth seeking,
But never obtainable.

In her eyes..
You lose yourself in search for reason.

Her soul can't be contained.

Through her eyes..
Her soul runneth over.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For Her

So much can be said for a woman that can stand tall on her own two feet, without the influence of a man to fuel her existence. There is an undeniable strength in a woman, if only she allows herself to truly Be herself.  To believe in herself and her God given gifts. To have total faith in God & not a man.

There is something to be said about the strength it takes for a woman, to divide herself for the ones she loves. It's in her undivided, unconditional attention and affection for her husband, children & family.

She makes hard work look simple and effortless. Don't take her for granted. When she makes your life comfortable, it can be relatively easy to over look the little things. Don't forget the small things.  Try a little walk, a soft kiss, a random note, a compliment, a gift. Just give a little thought.

For her, it means everything.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sometimes I wonder

Today I can't find the right words no matter how hard I try to find them for some reason. But, in this case I wonder about peoples actions and sometimes lack of with the varying factors that are behind them. How it is we are able to see guidance and at other times don't, or do but completely ignore it?

Sometimes I wonder.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It’s been a couple of weeks since grandmother & myself left Sacramento for Cairo, and all the chaos with moving was quite hard on us. Alhamdulilah, everything fell into place. Everything sorted itself out despite Egypt’s revolution and the constant changes in our flight status.

By the time we had arrived in Cairo airport, I felt a huge relief. We finally made it. I was sure that Ahmed and I would be reunited and there would be no separating again.

Grandma was amazed at how fast and how nice the man who assisted us within’ the airport got us through to buy our Visit Visa, through Customs and to our baggage claim in no time. The young man would push grandmother’s wheelchair and slide/skid on his shoes with the biggest smile on his face all the while calling out to workers Priority! Priority! .” I have to say he was quite funny and pleasant to be around. He was a beautiful example of Egyptian hospitality and good sense of humor.

On our way out of the airport, there was a demonstration for higher wages. Staff rushed us straight through, But I had no problem with the sight or sound of it at all.. I felt so moved to be within’ Egypt. A new even more beautiful Egypt, with everything it stands for and represents. People for the people. A right to life and dignity. A universal right.
