Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Created me

Praise to Allah/God for everything. The people that have come and gone into our lives..All for a reason. The lessons we have learned. For the lessons we're given.. Our many opportunities. Alhamdulilah.

You and I will never be perfect, or be that ideal of ultimate success. We are made of the moments we spend in our living, in our dying.. Not without substance, with every day, every hour, every minute being a spiritual goal. Change comes from within'. Enlightenment of love comes as a choice. Ripples we can make. Truth is never so confined as some humans choose to believe.. 

Allah/God/Creator/Mother nature/The Force or what have you, is far beyond the labels we confine Him to. Truth and love can not be confined in a box, nor does it have any borders, it speaks to all that can feel compassion and cling to innocence. My God/Allah tells me to love you, to embrace you, to walk this earth humbly and gratefully, to see for you what I would myself, to wish for you what I'd wish myself... He created you and me so that we may know and love one another.
Allahu Akbar....Allahu Alim.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Not today

I wouldn't care if it were any other day.

Just not today.



Bittersweet she is..
So full of love and a hunger for happiness.
Yet there is a sorrow deep within her soul..
No earthly being can touch.


Just no damn comment.

FLAT LINE __________________


Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear Lord

There are those times you cant discern right from wrong..
There can be so many layers to any given situation..
How can we have all the answers when our perspective is simply that?
A perspective.
We may know a truth, but it is never the full Truth.

Sometimes your heart monopolizes your actions.
Does this render our actions weak?
Is one weak in forgiving and continuously striving for peace?
Does it matter that one stumbles themselves or from another?
Is it not something of strength to let go, forgive and love over and over again???
How is it that someone holding these attributes can be one to suffer the most?
How does one cope when all is out of your hands?
When you can only look down to the hands you have in front of you.

Dear Lord,

Many if not most circumstances may be out of my control and beyond my understanding..
I can not erase the pain that is caused, but from it I can shape myself within'..
I do not know how, or why, except that I will.
I pray you forgive me for the wrongs I unknowingly have made, and for choices I must make ..
Accept my intentions, as I only wish for good.

Allahu Alim...

My only comfort is that You are all Knowing...
You know what I am unaware of...
You know what is in the deepest place of my heart.
Of the thoughts and feelings I could never convey
No explanations.. This is the Truth.

Make my duties easy for me, and please touch where my heart hurts..
In it, instill an understanding.



Friday, September 5, 2014

My friend

You're here reading this....
You're thinking of her just as much as she thinks of you.
Right here in this short little message.
@-/----- to you my friend.

Not you and I

.."The world may end..
Not you and I.."...


She seemed to have only been a dream..     
Existed upon a need...
A distant memory.

A miracle did happen.
More than a dream..
She grew in your soul..
A star glistened in her eyes.

The truth lies inside
Beyond your flesh and bones.     
In this space..
You know she Is.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

FKJ- Learn to fly, ft.Jordan Rakei

A truth only felt

I am an observer of the things they say..
The things they do.

I've come to realize in my short time that...
We are so much more than the words we choose.
Our actions and lack of, say so much more than most ever come to realize.

Repeating a lie many times, whether sweet or sour, does not make it so..
We can justify our faults...
We can proclaim the deepest of love....
And yet, still there is the indescribable truth.

Its the one that is felt.
