Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It’s been a couple of weeks since grandmother & myself left Sacramento for Cairo, and all the chaos with moving was quite hard on us. Alhamdulilah, everything fell into place. Everything sorted itself out despite Egypt’s revolution and the constant changes in our flight status.

By the time we had arrived in Cairo airport, I felt a huge relief. We finally made it. I was sure that Ahmed and I would be reunited and there would be no separating again.

Grandma was amazed at how fast and how nice the man who assisted us within’ the airport got us through to buy our Visit Visa, through Customs and to our baggage claim in no time. The young man would push grandmother’s wheelchair and slide/skid on his shoes with the biggest smile on his face all the while calling out to workers Priority! Priority! .” I have to say he was quite funny and pleasant to be around. He was a beautiful example of Egyptian hospitality and good sense of humor.

On our way out of the airport, there was a demonstration for higher wages. Staff rushed us straight through, But I had no problem with the sight or sound of it at all.. I felt so moved to be within’ Egypt. A new even more beautiful Egypt, with everything it stands for and represents. People for the people. A right to life and dignity. A universal right.


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