Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fast life

There was a time
Unbeknownst to me..
I was naive.. insecure..

Born into a society where you conform.
Born into a state of numbness.
Where wrongs seem right

The fast life
Fresh & new were the experiences
Only trying to have,
a bit of fun, a little freedom
Barely keepin' up..
Always on the go..
It was never enough.

In the crowd of
new moves..
New shoes..
new looks..
new beau's..
Booze, energy drinks, & all nighters.

Never felt more alone in the world,
Then I did with,
The swarms of people around me.
Heads in the clouds..Or
Minds in the gutter.

Going through the motions
In my heart, I never felt I belonged.

I let it all go.

Don't get me wrong..
My heart is always dancing..
My spirit always high..

Ever since I filled my life with HIM
I've never felt alone.

Stronger in faith.

Alhamdulilah...All praise be to God


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I often find myself thinking,contemplating and feeling the weight of the world.
Sometimes it brings chills down my spine, hair on end....and my blood boiling.
The only clarity & the only comfort being with Allah subhan wa ta'ala.
His promise.


Friday, November 18, 2011

To be

I don't wish to die
I don't wish to cut this Life short

I pray to pass this test
To escape this dunya

I yearn to be nearer to You
I wish to be truly Free.

Bittersweet are these tears.
To pain, yet thankful.


Reap what we sow

If we source all our happiness from others,
We're bound to feel heartache..
We're bound to be let down.

What would Life be without,
The exchange of Love between people?

But happiness starts inside.
We need to nurture it..
Then watch it grow.

It starts from spirituality within'.
We'll reap what we sow.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Allah subhan wa ta'ala gave us minds to THINK. Not to mindlessly, selfishly & ignorantly REACT.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ugly? Thank You.

Who are you to judge?
To label a group of people..
A country even?

Ugly you say?…
Contorted was your expression.

You categorized me with them,
Based on my appearance…
Based on your ignorance.

Thank you, I take it as a compliment.

Who are you to judge?
Nothing is uglier than Jealousy & Ego..

Not as ugly as your mouth.



ALL the money in the world, couldn't buy true class.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Humanity... Mosaic of Mirrors

Mosaic of mirrors
That is what we are

Reflections of,
One Light...
One Source...
One Power...

Sometimes we fall down,
And even when we know in our hearts,
Another's own reflection & perspective,
Reminds you...
Clarifies you...

Just another light shed upon Truth.
A feeling already instilled inside you.

Mosaic of mirrors
That is what we are to each other.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good vs Bad

Alhamdulilah... truly blessed to have those I love in my life, near or far. Sometimes we focus too hard on what we don't have, yet strive to achieve & forget to be thankful for everything that has led us to the very point we're standing. Its a choice, sometimes a hard choice to decide to recognize the good over the bad.
