Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bigger than us

Just because you love someone..
Doesn't mean you have a right..
Sometimes to really love a person, is to stand back..

It doesn't always mean goodbye.

You can't miss what was never yours,
Even when the heart says otherwise..

Sometimes it means holding your own weight of emotions to yourself..
To not feel compelled through words, but demonstrate tender care in our actions..
To understand sometimes expression is in the quiet place..
To be content with the truth within' ourselves.
Soul versus flesh, it's truly mind over matter.

Sometimes what is necessary isn't the easiest thing to accept..
But when you truly love someone, you are willing to try..

Its an art of selflessness..
To have faith in the order of the cosmos..
To know the answers are bigger than ourselves.

The answer is bigger than you or me.


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