Sunday, May 20, 2012

Worldly living..

If I were to sell or give away all my belongings, except that of which I can maintain myself.. To rid myself of the excess. What would that make of me in our society? A failure? A nut? Worthless? How would this affect my relationships within' and without? Whether or not we make this our focus to some degree, we subconsciously want to "Fit in"... With everything we are conditioned with within' our society, be it media, Hollywood, etc.. Subconsciously we hold ourselves prisoner to the many superficial, shallow, & worldly values. I admire those that have made the worldly sacrifice... To take themselves to the utmost level of being,love & faith. For some, this is not a choice. I wish to be free of the chains I subconsciously accept... I long so much for Allah to strengthen my faith which I feel so connected, But also that my actions, my everyday living may too represent what I so strongly believe. I will always, always long to be a better person. Ya Rab... A.S.

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