Sunday, March 15, 2015

life is short

Life is short...happiness radiates from within and this moment is what matters most. Alhamdulilah


Truly Be..

Life is meant to be explored, don't allow yourselves to become stagnant in one place. Let your minds wander to other worlds.. Earth isn't the only one. We are now, we are always... This flesh and this time are only capsules of the mind... We are here and we are there.. Set your spirit free,this is truly the way to Be.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Dying inside

Its always the one you love the most who breaks your heart.

If only you could love yourself just as much.
It hurts to know that no matter how much you try, its never going to be enough.
I've learned my lesson as it is repeating itself.
You spoil someone with love, they will never realize their wrongs till you are GONE.

Dying inside.



Crushed by the hand that plucked her.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading old writings..

Because its raw and real. Its through those moments we learn, not just from an easy breezy walk in the park, however beautiful it may be.. There is also beauty to grow from pain.

I have to say.. I find this to be true as it resonates with me. I have written out my thoughts, ideas and emotions on a blog aka journal over the years and it has helped me a great deal in capturing the thoughts that take up space in my heart and mind. It helps you release energy.. You are able to plunge deep into a thought or feeling, you can see yourself from a new perspective when you read back on what you wrote, and you take lessons from the varied experiences you analyze and explore through your writing.
More often than not, good or bad, for me to move onto the next chapter, I have to write the current one down first.