Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I ask.......

Where do you turn to when you don't know up from down?
Who do you go to when you must face it alone? When will the smoke and mirrors disappear?
When will this ache in my heart go away? When will I be able to have peace of mind & sleep at night?
When will things become clear enough, I wont have to fight with myself anymore?
When will the questions go away? When will she go away?...
When will you realize I ask because I care?
When will you see I'm angry because I'm scared?
When will you open your eyes and see what really lies beneath?
When will you realize the choice isn't a hard one to make?
When will you see the game being played and whats been put at stake?
When can you own up to your demons?
But more than anything..
When will you begin to even understand the resolution to come..
Before its too late?...

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