Sunday, November 30, 2014

Forgiving. Hmm.

Forgiveness can become easy, not so much the forgetting part as you'll store away the memories into your subconscious folder.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Am.

I'm a lover.
I plunge deep.
With one breath into the deepest oceans.
Loving beyond light years,galaxies,and universes
Always was, always am.

I'm an avid dreamer
I appear lost in clouds.
But far from lost is my reality.
My spirit soars
I am more than what is present.
More than this flesh.

I live everywhere and..
Everything touches me.
Spirit and thoughts take me..
Silent solitude brings me closer to You.

In the hustle and bustle of this world, there lies a paradox of being.
I am more than...than...these...words.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Grown up?

Part of being an adult means doing things ya don't like. Key to being happy whilst doing it? Simply "choose" happiness. Crack a joke. Smile. Laugh. Who says you can't do both? Stay young at heart and do what you gotta do.


Friday, November 7, 2014


The difference between you,me or us and them?
They say they "tolerate" you and your ways.
You can "embrace" them for what they are.
Everyone has the choice.
People should embrace each other versus "tolerating" 
There's a big difference in my opinion! 

Big warm hugs my my heart to yours!


Sunday, November 2, 2014


Unbeknownst to you..

Your words have an ability to cut through a heart.

Without taking a moment to genuinely listen.
Shutting off your soul of souls.

The ego rises, ultra elevated.
It tells you that you have complete knowledge..
It lets you feel that others mistakes define them...
That your mistakes define them..
That you are free of wrongdoing..
That you must not feel accountable..
It stirs your anger and it has you raging inside..

You don't realize the pain you cause to the ones you love..
As you push and cripple the hearts nearest to you
Subsequently, your own heart is punished.. If only you knew

There is a great wisdom lacking from this EGO
Ego is about SELF...
About being right...
About rubbing it in others faces..revenge
It is sarcasm and tearing a person apart..
For what?
To feel annoyed of anything from another source other than
Do the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others have no value?
Ego. Its a lonely place to be.

There is a bigger world full of love and amazing bonds with fellow beings..
A seemingly simple act of empathy,love,compassion and patience,,
These open the door to real understanding.
There is a far better way of living as a human being..

EGO is a trap.
