Wednesday, July 24, 2013

yeah trust

What kind of relationship can be salvaged when it's exploited?
There is no such thing as privacy and trust.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Not a word from me, ever again.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


He swears he saw 'this', she swears she saw 'that'.... What if they took the time to stop arguing and pondered that maybe they both indeed witnessed a truth? What about the full truth? When they can stop arguing and realized there is a bigger picture all together than their own perspective? The answer is bigger than ourselves. Humble your opinions. Allahu Alim.

Fight fight fight

They are laughing from their golden thrones, as they're watching you fight over pebbles vs rocks. Its all semantics.... We're all in the same boat, don't throw your brother overboard.

Monday, July 15, 2013


What do you do when their ego and self blind them from the tears in your eyes and the pain in your heart?

What do you do when the only way to preserve peace around you and within' yourself is to isolate your body where none can see nor hear you?

I feel like a crumbly weak capsule of a body, that has an infinite amount of thought. It's too much for my body to handle. In this world, my mind wishes to wander, explore,understand and express to no end, yet the load is too much for this pathetic shell of a body.

What to do when the life of this world scratches your body & you have no way of escaping it?

My heart and soul take refuge with my Creator, Allah Alim.



Ramadan isn't about waiting for your next meal. Its not about being lazy till you get the mouthful...

We're to carry on with our daily chores, errands and responsibilities as there are many out there that must carry on without a morsel of food.
The whole point is to humble ourselves,help others,make remembrance, and to be grateful for what we already have.

Let's not let this opportunity or any other time, slip away from us. The moment for change is now. The moment for goodness and happiness is now.


Personal reality

Nothing hurts more than to realize that someone doesn't care how their actions of what they say or do impact you, let alone themselves. Negative behavior,attitude and treatment of others has its repercussions.

You can't be surprised when you start to see your relationships with people start to dwindle... One day they could all disappear. Don't let something as simple as a behavioral attitude that can be worked on, completely scar those around you, especially the ones you care about. Don't allow it to take control over your life... Imagine, you can avoid all the drama, stress and heartache by simply deciding to be positive, deciding to act and say positive things in seemingly negative situations. Something as simple as maintaining your composure and tone in which you speak. If you want to be mad, you will be. If you want to see past the small things, the miscommunications, the misunderstandings,the illusions, the lies,ect, you can be happy if you choose to be.

For some this is harder to accomplish, let alone grasp..  But its true, your thoughts are your reality.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God knows best

No one can say they have absolute knowledge... no matter how well informed we think we may be. Its all still only a perspective and we all have limitations within it, no matter how well intentioned... So all the while we should always conclude that God knows best. Allahu Alim.


Monday, July 1, 2013


I find that our lives are on a wheel of lessons.
We stumble & fall, pick up & move on, learn & grow in rotation.
The path we initially started out on,we find comes full circle..
Our lives are on an spiritual axis.
We experience phases of enlightenment, and emotional lows..
The same lessons repeat themselves, although presented in a new light..
The challenge is within' ourselves..
How well can we face our nature?
How willing are we to open our minds?,
Are we willing to broaden the spiritual horizons beyond ourselves?...
Accept change and change within' our being.
May we live and let live.
May we experience an evolution of thought.
The journey has only begun.
