Saturday, February 22, 2020


You always taught me how to make something from nothing. Thank you for nurturing my imagination. My memories of us are always the stuff of magic..We didn't always have full bellies, but we always had them full of laughter.. Thank you for letting the child in me BE. You didn't always have someone there to back you, but you were ALWAYS there fighting the good fight for me. You always stuck to what was right, no matter how difficult the trial.. Thank you for teaching me how to live with Integrity..You always were there to hold my little hand and even when the roles had been switched... I'm grateful to have had your hand in mine all this way. How fortunate I had been. If you hadn't been the pillar of strength that you were, I wouldn't be here today.
I hope that on the other side you can see just how important you were & the impact you continue to make in my life,my children's..There aren't ever going to be enough words for me to say.


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