Friday, July 11, 2014

Dream of a night in Cairo.

Dream of a night in Cairo.

I found myself in a dimly lit home, sometime at night, in what felt to be like being back in Cairo,Egypt.. It just had that ambient feeling to the atmosphere, that you can't get anywhere else.

My husband was still sleeping, and I found a young street girl approaching me in all white, trying to sell me tissues.. I paid her 2-3 times as much as they sell for and she looked hesitant to take that much. She had a half smile and was looking behind her as if someone of her own were watching her, although I could not see them, I could hear someone encouraging her to take it. She then went up a stairwell to whom I believe was a female relative she was looking back to, and she was out of sight.

Suddenly she reappears with wet linens and approaches my sister in law and myself near the drying wrack. She dropped the basket at our feet. It was at that moment it was just understood that we were expected to do this task for paying more and I started to engage in conversation with my sister in law about what had just happened. I joked and told her that apparently paying more means we must also do the laundry, but if we hadn't even paid extra we wouldn't be standing here.. We laughed to ourselves but continued to hang the wet things to dry.

End dream.


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