Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A question

What am I?

If not cookie cut straight out of college debt..
Not living a life of sparkle, built on the house of credit..

What am I??

Many missed opportunities, many ideas I had plenty.
Life, I thought I had a plan, but the whirlwind came through.
A force greater than Self.

What am I???

I'm a free spirit.. 
Love ,compassion & expression have always been my drive..
I've been the glue that puts together all the broken pieces.. 
Picking up where they left off, starting where they will not..
Battered hearts and weakened bones I've tended.

What am I????

Despite the confines of my own reality, I feel...
I am more than I allow myself to acknowledge.. 
Yet I know I'm more than they'll ever know.
I wont shout to be heard..
In the heart of hearts, the truth resides..
In His heart I am
Allahu Alim

No one can question.


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