Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Do not wake me

You're my bed of delicate freesia.

The weight of our love..
Heavy and sinking, the deepest blue..
Yet astral and high, dark glistening skies..

You and I are like the mortar and pestle
Sweet oil entwined and infused with petals..
Hot skin like musk.

You're my euphoria... my take away cloud.
You have me in elevated highs.. sweet disbelief
You have me on my knees with my pleas.

You're my comforter from which I do not wish to wake from.


Monday, December 29, 2014


How is it my dear..
I love you more than yesterday?

More than the first moment your eyes captured mine..

How is it my dear..
I love you more today than the first whisper in my ear?

Everyday I feel like I did..
when I first reached for your hand.

I still have a hope...a dream.
I still reach for you.
You're the sparkling star in my eyes..

How could I ever have known..
That the love we have would be so much more than what we fought so hard for?

How is it my dear...
to know that you'll always be my deepest passion?

I've always had you in my heart..
Right before the start.
The very blood in my veins...

You and I...
We're the fruit of a destiny..
Wonderfully...fantastically...whimsically accepted.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Need you

I'm the one that needs...
You reaching for my heart..
Like the stars.

I'm the one that needs..
You to feed these flames..
And linger like glowing embers.

I'm the one that needs..
You to anticipate every breath..
Just as I long for every whisper.

I'm the one that needs..
You to love me hard
Every thought & touch is grand..
Just as my dreams..

I'm the one that needs...
To remind and be reminded..
We've got a heart drumming beneath these skins & bones.


Share love, feel love


Never let yourself 'judge' another
Never allow yourself to get to the point of feeling "uncomfortable" to another's pain.
Share love, feel love.


Always going to love you

No matter what
I'm going to love you..

With or without, stick and stones..
I'm going to love you.

With or without, wall and tower..
I'm going to love you

Whether you realize or not,
I'm your closest friend..

With or without you..

I'm always...


Monday, December 8, 2014

Dark and mysterious

And shes in her melancholy way
Buried within'

Her feet planted firmly on soil.
Every vibration straight through the membrane..

It is She, in her mode of modes
You see Her
Dark and mysterious..
You see her beauty, in the raw...

More than sweet smiles at the surface of Day
She is the emotion and feeling of Moonlight
Reflections on dark, glistening waters..

Still waters run deep, her living mantra


Don't forget

Don't forget..
your lover is your friend.
Don't forget..
your love is not a soul that you own,
Nay, it is a privilege

Don't forget...
not to take advantage of the friendship that was built.
Don't forget..
the reason why you won their heart.

Don't forget..
what touches your lover's mind, heart and soul..
Don't forget..
the words and actions you choose..
Don't forget..
that whatever you say and do is a reflection of You.

If your lover is smiling or crying..
Remember the reason is You.

Don't forget...

Don't forget...


Friday, December 5, 2014

Not a robot

Strive to do good and do awesome...
But don't try to be "perfect"
As long as you have unrealistic expectations of yourself and others,
You'll never be fully happy, satisfied or content.

I prefer to be organic..not a robot.



The moment you realize..
That you no longer have anyone to confide in..

When you realize all your aches and pains must be held in to yourself..
Just to keep everyone happy.

That someone you always turned to, always turns on you.
That no matter how hard you try, its not ever enough.

The moment you realize Allah is your only true friend...

I've never felt more paralyzed, more human than I do now.
This dunya.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Your best.

What to do when your good isn't good enough?

You can only do your best.

Allahu Alim. <3 p="">


A matter of choice

Words can either poison or remedy a moment.
Just as our actions can either create a negative or positive ripple.
Spread them ripples... 
Of what sort? 

That's our choice.


Plunge deep

Smiling through it all.
Whether stumbling or fallin'.
Or walking through sunshine..
Picking myself back up.
Clinging to a hope.
Not simply following my feet.
But relying on these bare hands.
This bare soul..
My heart may be on my sleeve
But my deepest of thoughts is within' my soul of souls..
Secret chambers of light..
There is no lock..
You must lose all fear of this ocean.

Plunge deep.


Makes us human

Why must my tears
Bring you to your defenses?
Take your armor off..

Let your heart listen to mine.

Is that so hard to do?
Everyone needs to be understood.
Everyone needs a warm hug..

Show me love, show me tenderness.
Show me empathy.

Show me that breaking down isn't the only thing that makes us human.



No matter what it is you feel the need to say,
Convey it with love.

Differences and misunderstandings are bound to happen,
But we have control in steering in either a space of respect, compassion and humbleness..
Or the complete opposite.
We all should know what that is..
Anger untamed and thoughts unmanaged..
Its a screaming ego gone viral.

Slow down..
Think..and think some more.
Silence is a virtue.
Let the ears of your heart truly listen.
Look to understanding there's more to learn.
Remember who you're dealing with and act accordingly..

Build bridges.

Don't.... Tear.Them.Down.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Forgiving. Hmm.

Forgiveness can become easy, not so much the forgetting part as you'll store away the memories into your subconscious folder.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Am.

I'm a lover.
I plunge deep.
With one breath into the deepest oceans.
Loving beyond light years,galaxies,and universes
Always was, always am.

I'm an avid dreamer
I appear lost in clouds.
But far from lost is my reality.
My spirit soars
I am more than what is present.
More than this flesh.

I live everywhere and..
Everything touches me.
Spirit and thoughts take me..
Silent solitude brings me closer to You.

In the hustle and bustle of this world, there lies a paradox of being.
I am more than...than...these...words.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Grown up?

Part of being an adult means doing things ya don't like. Key to being happy whilst doing it? Simply "choose" happiness. Crack a joke. Smile. Laugh. Who says you can't do both? Stay young at heart and do what you gotta do.


Friday, November 7, 2014


The difference between you,me or us and them?
They say they "tolerate" you and your ways.
You can "embrace" them for what they are.
Everyone has the choice.
People should embrace each other versus "tolerating" 
There's a big difference in my opinion! 

Big warm hugs my my heart to yours!


Sunday, November 2, 2014


Unbeknownst to you..

Your words have an ability to cut through a heart.

Without taking a moment to genuinely listen.
Shutting off your soul of souls.

The ego rises, ultra elevated.
It tells you that you have complete knowledge..
It lets you feel that others mistakes define them...
That your mistakes define them..
That you are free of wrongdoing..
That you must not feel accountable..
It stirs your anger and it has you raging inside..

You don't realize the pain you cause to the ones you love..
As you push and cripple the hearts nearest to you
Subsequently, your own heart is punished.. If only you knew

There is a great wisdom lacking from this EGO
Ego is about SELF...
About being right...
About rubbing it in others faces..revenge
It is sarcasm and tearing a person apart..
For what?
To feel annoyed of anything from another source other than
Do the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others have no value?
Ego. Its a lonely place to be.

There is a bigger world full of love and amazing bonds with fellow beings..
A seemingly simple act of empathy,love,compassion and patience,,
These open the door to real understanding.
There is a far better way of living as a human being..

EGO is a trap.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Should ya stalk your stalkers or go about your merry way? I say go about your merry way, unless google stats tells you otherwise.


Sailed On..

At times I catch myself in a trap of unwarranted guilt.

I find my mind wandering to the whereabouts of particular souls..
The vessels I've sailed beyond, or the ones that left me behind.

For one I would love to give a heart..
Another the embodiment of a real friend..
Some what it is to be nurturer, especially to life brought..

Sometimes I want to be the bearer of gifts..
A new wardrobe, a new outlook,a shared laugh, a welcome hand...

But there are times you settle for well wishes.
You can not become a lifestyle for others,
You can only live your own.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Take a humble fall, thank you very much!

No matter what denomination, background and upbringing someone has. It does not justify being a snob! Whether someone is born with privilege and wealth or has just acquired it, does not mean they are any better than anyone else.
Seriously there is a huge difference between having grace and class, and being a walking chandelier of STANK attitude.
Just saying!
Love peace and chicken grease!


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Give a ****?

When you come to the point of "Not giving a flying f***"

After giving a f***.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Created me

Praise to Allah/God for everything. The people that have come and gone into our lives..All for a reason. The lessons we have learned. For the lessons we're given.. Our many opportunities. Alhamdulilah.

You and I will never be perfect, or be that ideal of ultimate success. We are made of the moments we spend in our living, in our dying.. Not without substance, with every day, every hour, every minute being a spiritual goal. Change comes from within'. Enlightenment of love comes as a choice. Ripples we can make. Truth is never so confined as some humans choose to believe.. 

Allah/God/Creator/Mother nature/The Force or what have you, is far beyond the labels we confine Him to. Truth and love can not be confined in a box, nor does it have any borders, it speaks to all that can feel compassion and cling to innocence. My God/Allah tells me to love you, to embrace you, to walk this earth humbly and gratefully, to see for you what I would myself, to wish for you what I'd wish myself... He created you and me so that we may know and love one another.
Allahu Akbar....Allahu Alim.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Not today

I wouldn't care if it were any other day.

Just not today.



Bittersweet she is..
So full of love and a hunger for happiness.
Yet there is a sorrow deep within her soul..
No earthly being can touch.


Just no damn comment.

FLAT LINE __________________


Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear Lord

There are those times you cant discern right from wrong..
There can be so many layers to any given situation..
How can we have all the answers when our perspective is simply that?
A perspective.
We may know a truth, but it is never the full Truth.

Sometimes your heart monopolizes your actions.
Does this render our actions weak?
Is one weak in forgiving and continuously striving for peace?
Does it matter that one stumbles themselves or from another?
Is it not something of strength to let go, forgive and love over and over again???
How is it that someone holding these attributes can be one to suffer the most?
How does one cope when all is out of your hands?
When you can only look down to the hands you have in front of you.

Dear Lord,

Many if not most circumstances may be out of my control and beyond my understanding..
I can not erase the pain that is caused, but from it I can shape myself within'..
I do not know how, or why, except that I will.
I pray you forgive me for the wrongs I unknowingly have made, and for choices I must make ..
Accept my intentions, as I only wish for good.

Allahu Alim...

My only comfort is that You are all Knowing...
You know what I am unaware of...
You know what is in the deepest place of my heart.
Of the thoughts and feelings I could never convey
No explanations.. This is the Truth.

Make my duties easy for me, and please touch where my heart hurts..
In it, instill an understanding.



Friday, September 5, 2014

My friend

You're here reading this....
You're thinking of her just as much as she thinks of you.
Right here in this short little message.
@-/----- to you my friend.

Not you and I

.."The world may end..
Not you and I.."...


She seemed to have only been a dream..     
Existed upon a need...
A distant memory.

A miracle did happen.
More than a dream..
She grew in your soul..
A star glistened in her eyes.

The truth lies inside
Beyond your flesh and bones.     
In this space..
You know she Is.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

FKJ- Learn to fly, ft.Jordan Rakei

A truth only felt

I am an observer of the things they say..
The things they do.

I've come to realize in my short time that...
We are so much more than the words we choose.
Our actions and lack of, say so much more than most ever come to realize.

Repeating a lie many times, whether sweet or sour, does not make it so..
We can justify our faults...
We can proclaim the deepest of love....
And yet, still there is the indescribable truth.

Its the one that is felt.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Never forget

Yes you can go on like you never met.
But you never forget.


Friday, August 29, 2014

A vision

She seemed to have only been a vision..                                          
Touched everything but the five senses.
In mind and heart..
She is very much alive.       
Never too far.
Shes only a thought away.
Soul within' soul..she remains. 


People act and speak like asses, yet wonder why people would call them an ass. 



Thursday, August 14, 2014

Where I stand.

They may stand there, in their skins and bones judging you.
They preach with a goal in mind, or is it an inner void to fill?
Regardless of denomination, or creed..
They may send you a piercing look, they may whip their tongues...
They may just think to themselves that they know you.
Too much preaching, too little practicing.

I am what I am and only He knows where I stand.
I do not have to prove to the world, with a battle of words.
I am living it.

That's all that matters to this one, this someone..
I only linger in these skin and bones..
I am more than this shell.

My heart, my mind, soul of my soul..
My spirit you can not define.

Dear souls..
Supersede,transcend this world of tangibles,clutter..
Deafen the echo of them empty barrels.

They can not dim your light with their assessments or their muscle.
Fear, hate, jealousy and ignorance leave them with just skin and bones.
Skin and bones.


Someone to hold you

When you find yourself in a state of anguish in the mind & body..
You are blessed when someone is there to HOLD you..
As you are, no explanations, no interrogations..
Just love and compassion.

When you have someone to hold you like this..
You are truly fortunate

When thoughts either keep you awake, or give you nightmares..


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Those moments

You know those times you need a picker upper?
That little boost to your day, that added skip?..

Remember little things that take you back to your innocence,
Your naive playful ways..
The excitement your body had in your very veins venturing..
The moments that created sparkles in your eyes.
The dumb things we did that should have humiliated us, yet we were completely unaware.
Jokes on us, and in a good way.. Just reminiscence
Anything that takes you to that special place.

Never forget your inner self, the young at heart..
Remember all the little things that make you YOU..
For a moment forget all the confines of the world.

Accept yourself, love yourself..
Do what you love, and love what you do.
Love yourself and others for simply who they ARE.

We all find ourselves in a rut at some point..
Take a moment to filter out the hate of the world..
Especially the self hate thoughts that try to monopolize your mind.

Sit down and reflect on the all the good times..them young times and..
All the good you see today.
Love yourself, continue being YOU.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Boogie men

Great idea! We all should write a book called "If walls could speak".. Yay or nay? More boogie men would come to light and the seemingly invisible acts of kindness and sacrifice could take the stage.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

If you can read this..

If you can read this status via your phone or computer... Then you are of those that have a lot to be grateful for, there are many suffering in this world for the bare essentials to sustain life itself. . We are truly blessed and I only hope that while we live in a great degree of comfort, it does not numb us to the reality we live in and distract us from the real rewards in life. Not of the tangibles that return to dust, but the effects we have on each other and our very own souls. Create a positive memory, those never die.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Distant star

Black are the stains on her hands.
She clenches them, raises them to the moon..
Sequins,glitter and rhinestones fall to her feet.
Her mind,heart and soul...
Ink and glitz she tried to create her vision, her life..
Instead she stands under the pale moon..
Eyes black as night, a sparkle lingers..
She holds her gaze on that distant star.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

My true friend

Learning all the time that Allah subhan wa ta a'la is my true friend indeed. 

Not a wish unheard..not a tear unnoticed. Knower of the words not said but felt.



AstagfurAllah for what is beyond me...beyond ourselves.

Our perspectives no matter its source or validity, are just a glimpse,an angle..a bird's eye view. It is not an absolute knowledge or complete Truth.

Fragments of fragments...Some sharp,some dull...
Light and darkness..

Allahu alim...
Allahu alim...


Saturday, August 2, 2014


Some pain there is no escaping from.
And numbing yourself is your only coping mechanism..


Thursday, July 31, 2014

One day at a time

Sometimes you just need to take it one day at a time.
Take a slow deep breath, breathe.
Sort through the clutter of thoughts..
Some things you can't ever change,accept it.
Focus on the blessings...
Remember to smile, not just for others...
But for yourself too.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Turnin' a blind eye..

If you can turn a blind eye to the bloodshed and suffering around the world, whether it be of human beings or animals, near or far.. You DO NOT have the right to have an opinion. Grow some compassion.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Dream of a night in Cairo.

Dream of a night in Cairo.

I found myself in a dimly lit home, sometime at night, in what felt to be like being back in Cairo,Egypt.. It just had that ambient feeling to the atmosphere, that you can't get anywhere else.

My husband was still sleeping, and I found a young street girl approaching me in all white, trying to sell me tissues.. I paid her 2-3 times as much as they sell for and she looked hesitant to take that much. She had a half smile and was looking behind her as if someone of her own were watching her, although I could not see them, I could hear someone encouraging her to take it. She then went up a stairwell to whom I believe was a female relative she was looking back to, and she was out of sight.

Suddenly she reappears with wet linens and approaches my sister in law and myself near the drying wrack. She dropped the basket at our feet. It was at that moment it was just understood that we were expected to do this task for paying more and I started to engage in conversation with my sister in law about what had just happened. I joked and told her that apparently paying more means we must also do the laundry, but if we hadn't even paid extra we wouldn't be standing here.. We laughed to ourselves but continued to hang the wet things to dry.

End dream.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To my fantabulous sister

To my fantabulous sister, my other half other than my significant other half,half..

I just wanted to express to you my feelings, which I believe you already are well aware of..
But sometimes its nice to put pen to paper, or in this case fingertips to keyboard.

There have been so many ups and downs we have gone through in our lives, and we as sisters were the best of confidants.. And its funny remembering we didn't always agree or get along in our early years,but that didn't keep us from being glued at the hip. We were scared of the world, yet so hungry for love and happiness we jumped right in.. We always had each others back, regardless of our differences. As we grew into ourselves,more aware of our emotions and feelings, we became even closer than close. No matter our different paths chosen, we only sought each other's happiness.

Knowing is believing and believing is knowing. We knew what we wanted, we wanted the fairy tale we hadn't ever the chance of having as children. As kids and adults people talked, people will always talk... The world can believe a lie to be true, doesn't make it so does it? But they will never know my sweet sister like I do.. We basically wear the same size underwear and shoes, so yeah that speaks for itself.  I know the love and sacrifices you have made.. You are true to yourself, and you take the right route despite how difficult it may be. You are a dream of a person, and the way you express yourself through tenderness and the beauty of your art is beyond mesmerizing. Your fairy tale and dreams are very much real, and I support you through all of them... I love you for the person you are, the person you were, and the person you'll always be. Genuine,loving, passionate,courageous and STRONG. I really emphasize strong because sister, you are more than you give yourself credit for.

May you enjoy the new chapters of your life to come, with a smile and a ton of ridiculous laughter,with that occasional beer in hand. I only wish you and your husband all the happiness you work for, because yes it means not giving up on that dream and not letting the world steal it away from you.. Despite any differences or hardships, you'll be on each other's team, pickin' each other up.  To find the person you can stumble and fall with, then pick right back up is a great find, and I'm glad you found each other.

Love you sheeshter.

Amie bum bamie.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ramadan reminder..

Ramadan mubarak 
Let us not forget that we're not fasting just to anticipate and rush to eat. Lets not forget the many displaced,underprivileged people that suffer the hunger pangs and the emotional struggle. When you feel stressed, fatigued, even short of temper, remember those that still show acts of kindness and generosity despite their plight.
We are blessed.
Ramadan isn't about emptying tummies only to gorge them...
Its a reminder of our true selves and is a way to align our spiritual thought with our actions/deeds.... Ya Allah beautify our words to match our deeds.. May our outer selves represent our inner selves.... Ramadan is supposed to help us fine tune ourselves, retrain ourselves away from all the worldly distractions that we have accumulated and become accustomed to.
May we fast with this in mind, otherwise if we're fasting just to put food back in our mouths, what is the point?
Ramadan is our spiritual tool, what a blessing... We got this, InshAllah...
Good ripples, spread them.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Parallels and paradoxes

Everyone you ever thought you could just reach out to,
They too have scars..
We're all porcelain dolls.
Nothing is forever, except perhaps our souls and thoughts..
The only thing absolute is the creator of all this.

All the love near,far and in between..
The parallels and paradoxes of the mortal and the everlasting..
A fragile state of being, this limbo we're in..
Every moment learning of ourselves.. The role we are in.


Your efforts...your struggles..the best of intentions..your good n bad deeds...selfish egocentric habits or selfless hasanet..ALL of it in a clear record... you and i dont need to keep count. 
Allahu Alim.
He is the best companion,most compassionate.. He is all ill ever need! 


ramadan goal

My Ramadan goal this year?
To reconnect to the peace and calm that was instilled in my heart, in the midst of chaos not long ago,InshAllah.
Astaghfurallah for this Dunya's distractions...
He has His ways of reminding me, His pleasure is the ultimate goal.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Lil' mama

Baby gal..
Lil' mama..

You've felt the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground..
Your heart on your sleeve.

Lil' mama..
You have the world in your hands..
Allah's promise..

Lil' mama'..
Your warm embrace, your heart's whisperings..
Dua of dua's...

A ripple of good deeds..
You bore the fruit of these..
These will always shine through your baby gal..
Through YOU lil' mama.

SubhanAllah ..
Allah bless you now and always..


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Remembering You

Remembering the touch of your skin..
Warm like my favorite ray of sun...
Delicately scented of musk..
The smell of you brings me home.
Safe and sound in my cocoon that is everything You.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Repeating lesson

A lesson that  keeps repeating itself over and over in life:
You don't have to prove yourself to the world. You don't need trophies,badges or labels. You don't have to teach the world a lesson. What can you do? You live your life... That's right, just LIVE your life and see and do the things you love big or small.

You're a never ending ripple.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Never as inanimate or invisible as you may feel.. Not a deed big or small goes unnoticed. The whole world can believe in a lie, but content we can be with the truth within' our souls. Allahu Alim! 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Porcelain doll

The rare moment she breaks down,cries and shouts from failing to be peacemaker..
He calls red flag, says hes tired of the drama.
What a call....
What a cheap shot.

Yet it hurts her deep down.
She feels like a porcelain doll with black, bruised veins hidden within.

Silence is the only cure.


Best Friend

You're crying after you've tried in vain to hold it in.
He asks, doesn't like what he hears
He tells you to look in the mirror while you're talking.

You didn't need a reminder to know you're your own best friend.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


And she finds herself reminiscing, sitting in a sort of starry haze..
All that was said and done, doors that were opened and closed..
Did they really come and go?
In her mind flashes days & nights past..
The roller coaster had its highs and lows, sometimes just coasting..

How strange the way mankind has sectioned off our existence into segments.
We are so much more than just yesterday and tomorrow.

Life just IS and I'm going with the flow.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Watch and listen

Good vibes YOUR way <3 and="" beyond="" bones.="" deeper="" ears..keep="" eye="" isten="" listening="" loving="" nbsp="" p="" see="" sight="" skin="" something="" soul="" than="" with="" your="">


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Selfish much?

Its ironic the people that want to live freely as adults,making their own choices,doing as they like,
But with a void of feeling any responsibility and duty to those that need them most. Worst of all to avoid any accountability for the choices they make or lack of. I know its cliche in saying, but people want to have their cake and eat it too.

Its crazy the way selfishness can take the spot light...

Its certainly is an ugly beast.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Reflections of Him

Ya Allah beautify our much so its all we see radiating from ourselves & each other. Make us beautiful reflections of light upon light.



Note to myself

You can't and won't please everyone, no matter how hard you may try.

I know I'm far from perfect, we all have our shortcomings, But I strive to be positive and understanding to the best of my capabilities. I only wish that for everyone.. What a place we'd enjoy if we all could do that.

Again, you can't always please everyone despite your best... Remembering that my true acceptance,recognition,understanding, love and happiness come from my Creator Allah subhan wa ta'ala..... Note to myself....



Like they do

If only people could take a lesson from our earth's critters... The unconditional love that an animal can shower us with, is absolutely therapeutic and soul soothing. To love with open abandon, your heart is light and smiling. Its a feeling that surpasses this worldly life through the next..

What wonderful souls surround us... If only we stopped to take notice... If only we allowed ourselves to FEEL and to love like these animals can and do. 

Imagine what we could learn.
