Monday, November 11, 2013


When time passes on by..
Don't forget what remains behind her smile.
Genuine are her words and her care..
Her secret is there.
The feelings she once shared, will always remain.
Despite her calm appearance, her heart will never be tamed.
Nothing she ever felt could be altered..
For a time, she showed you a glimpse of its intensity..
You thought you knew...
But this you can not fully understand, her secret heart.
In her heart of hearts she is calling out..
So long as she lives on Earth or Star.
When time passes on by..
She will see your face..
Your name engraved at her deepest..
She'll continue treading on, suppressing the fire within'...
Nothing would have changed what she had revealed years past.
In her secret heart and in its deepest place, she'll live with the truth..

Years gone by..
She'll remember this moment of expression.
Just as she would be born anew..

Years gone by..
Always remember she still loves you.


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