Saturday, April 7, 2012

Give some thought

Ever wonder why it is, that someones actions or lack of can really hurt?
Sometimes the words sound sweet , but they're rendered sour if not backed by actions. Same goes Vice Versa...
Ever wonder about the intentions?
They vary much...
Sometimes its a big deal...other times not.
Sometimes its not that there was any ill intention, except.. the selfish one.
To satisfy ones own needs...
Sometimes this Self, distracts & without intending to do so..
You may neglect a person's feelings.

Its simple if you just put yourself in someone else's shoes.
You can see how another is affected by your behavior..
Simply by taking the time to THINK it over..

Perhaps this is easier said than done..
But maybe if we took more time to think before we say or do..
We'd spare any unintentional hurt..

I can only hope!


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