Monday, April 30, 2012

Listen more

Think of the best in people... You never know what all is in the heart & what are the true intentions. Expect that good can come from anyone... We would want the chance given to us in our worst moments, lest we fall into error. More often than not we fail at truly expressing ourselves & we fail to hear what is truly meant to be said...  Put aside the ego & there's so much more understanding & communication to be gained. InshAllah.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

When its obvious..

There are those times its like...
Must one state the obvious?

Sometimes you rather stay silent in contemplation & even at times be alone..
Rather than have to suffer with pointing out another's lack of thought or consideration.



He knows..

At times we feel the need to gain a persons understanding
Of our own selves..
To somehow convey the feelings that cripple your insides.
The hurt, the anguish..
In hopes their understanding, will make it disappear.

Only our beloved Al-Alim, knows all..
For every fiber of our being..
He understands.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Reflection

When your words & actions confirm what I already know to be true in our hearts..
There's no greater blessing I could ever ask for.
All my life I spent searching..
And the path that led me had its up & downs..
But for every moment of it, Allah subhan wa ta'ala  was preparing me.
I am truly & deeply grateful for the blessing you are to me.
We stand mirrored to each other..
In love & in faith..


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We cant say we know..

Even with the best of intentions of understanding others,
We can not know just exactly what their perspective is..
Simply because we're not in their shoes.

We can try to be compassionate and understanding,
But it comes from our own perspective, a different angle..
we judge off of what we can understand from ourselves
And our own personal experiences...

We can imagine ourselves in someone else's stead,
but with our own fabric of emotions & life factors..
Not theirs.

So we cant truly say we can understand what it is like
to be in someone else's shoes...
Let alone make any judgements about them.

Be compassionate & loving..
And maybe for once, imagine what it could be like being someone else for a few minutes.
Remember its your imagination.

Leave the judging for the Creator.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Miss You

I won't ever forget your contagious laughter & quirky sense of humor.. The unconditional love you always shared & the everlasting impact you've had on my life. You've helped me so, so much...At times when I didn't know I needed it & at times I needed someone most. Words can never explain,But I'm sure you know.

You're gone from this world & I look forward to meeting you in the next. But for now, I take comfort in feeling you're very much alive in my heart...

I love you & miss you dearly.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Never Give Up

We're never too old to keep trying and striving for what is good.
Sometimes a goal is a whole lifetime to make..
So never give up & never loose faith..


One Sweet Day

I find myself often thinking of my loved ones that have left this world & all its complications behind. I hope & pray to one day be with them in meeting with our Creator, Allah subhan wa ta’ala. In my heart of hearts, there are many feelings I cannot find words to convey, just how much I love & miss them. May we meet again one sweet day..InshAllah.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Moments indescribable

I am truly grateful for the gift of sentimental moments..
Moments that have in some way left me in utter amazement & astonishment..
Moments that have left me so happy I truly felt my heart had been elevated..
Moments where I feel so small & humbled in His greatness..
And the mysteries that remain..
Except that of our hearts & our connection to Him & each other.

I am truly blessed for knowing every person..
That has one way or another touched my life.
In all ways big or small, the ripples have had their affect..
And I only hope it shows within' me as it resonates.

For every single smile shared..
Every glittering glance...
Even the tears shed, the shoulder cried on..
The sharing of knowledge..
For the words unsaid..
The feelings felt.

I cherish these moments indescribable...
I am truly grateful for them.

Alhamdulilah for everything....


Cheek to cheek

A moment without you..
Is like not having my right hand..
I could walk around being glued together...
Cheek to cheek ♥


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Only in dreams

Its interesting how it can take you a few minutes to realize your dream was just a dream..
To realize the conversations that took place with those faces never really happened,
But the memory of those faces.. the conversations that were said in the past..
And the feelings you have towards them are very much... REAL.

Bittersweet it is... To never forget..
But to remember only in dreams.

Only in dreams.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For every tear..

Every tear shed..
Is a therapeutic release.

The tension & heart ache that one withholds,
is finally being cleansed from the body..

And it doesn't matter that you may cry alone..
Allah(God) is ever Knowing of you & what is in your heart.

This release is a blessing from Him..
So long as we keep remembrance of our Lord & trust in Him
With every thought & every tear..Take comfort.

He does hear you & is loving you all the while.
Supporting you with every breath you do take..

Verily in the remembrance in Allah do the hearts find rest.

May this knowledge bring one comfort..InshAllah.


Saturday, April 7, 2012


Folks asks questions they really don't want to know the answers to.

Folks ask to hear, but don't truly listen.
Sometimes they don't even ask.

Without realizing it, they've missed the opportunity to know you better.
This is unbeknownst to them.


Give some thought

Ever wonder why it is, that someones actions or lack of can really hurt?
Sometimes the words sound sweet , but they're rendered sour if not backed by actions. Same goes Vice Versa...
Ever wonder about the intentions?
They vary much...
Sometimes its a big deal...other times not.
Sometimes its not that there was any ill intention, except.. the selfish one.
To satisfy ones own needs...
Sometimes this Self, distracts & without intending to do so..
You may neglect a person's feelings.

Its simple if you just put yourself in someone else's shoes.
You can see how another is affected by your behavior..
Simply by taking the time to THINK it over..

Perhaps this is easier said than done..
But maybe if we took more time to think before we say or do..
We'd spare any unintentional hurt..

I can only hope!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Who ya doin' it for?

At times we feel the need to alter or change ourselves.
Just to fit in with certain people or to feel some sort of approval.

You can't please everyone & as long as you try to do it..
You'll never be fully happy & content with yourself.

If we're to change for anyone..
Let it be for ourselves & Allah(God) alone.


To be a wanderer


People amount the things they have..
Be it their homes,transportation,beautiful objects..ect
To having security in this life.

You see it all the time..
And sometimes its hard not to fall into this false idea.

Of course we need sustenance..but within' reason.
These things can come and go...
We can also slave away & wait a lifetime for them to come...

But one undeniable fact is that Allah is always providing
for us.

One way or another,
despite our wants & cravings for what is in this world...
We are here living another day by Allah's grace alone.

I crave the happiness of one that can travel this world,
without feeling chained to any object..
To be able to let things go, because they don't bring me true happiness
To truly wander free & really experience Life..
Through our interactions with each other,
As compassionate humans..

Imagine, the people that would shine brightest..
Being known for their great character..
Verses their status or wealth determined by our peers.

Just imagine...what our world could be like.
As long as we can imagine it, we can make it a reality.
Simply by striving to become this, within' ourselves.
That's where it all starts to make a difference.

Allah subhan wa ta'ala knows best<3



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Those times..

Sometimes it doesn't matter how you set your outlook on life,
or more specifically a situation you're in,
Whether it be the smaller or bigger scheme of things.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you try to rationalize..
Or sort out your thoughts.
You can't get rid of that nagging feeling.

Feelings are real..not always right..
But feelings don't lie.

Sometimes that feeling manages to get a strangle hold
on your heart..
Hence the aching..


Sometimes its easier said than done..
But this here is my remedy:

All you can do is be your best as humanly possible...
Leave all in Allah's hands.


Our living & dying

Lets not forget.
Allah(God) loves us & understands us more than anyone else can possibly come close to.

Lets not forget.
To rely on Him for everything,
Rather than turning to what is in this world..

He is the Source..
He is the Most Compassionate..Giving..Forgiving..Loving..Caring..Best of Planners..
His knowledge surpasses ours.

Lets not forget to give thanks..
And lets not be too proud to ask forgiveness.

Let us devote our living & our dying for Him..
Let us do it with grace...
God willing.
