People amount the things they have..
Be it their homes,transportation,beautiful objects..ect
To having security in this life.
You see it all the time..
And sometimes its hard not to fall into this false idea.
Of course we need sustenance..but within' reason.
These things can come and go...
We can also slave away & wait a lifetime for them to come...
But one undeniable fact is that Allah is always providing
for us.
One way or another,
despite our wants & cravings for what is in this world...
We are here living another day by Allah's grace alone.
I crave the happiness of one that can travel this world,
without feeling chained to any object..
To be able to let things go, because they don't bring me true happiness
To truly wander free & really experience Life..
Through our interactions with each other,
As compassionate humans..
Imagine, the people that would shine brightest..
Being known for their great character..
Verses their status or wealth determined by our peers.
Just imagine...what our world could be like.
As long as we can imagine it, we can make it a reality.
Simply by striving to become this, within' ourselves.
That's where it all starts to make a difference.
Allah subhan wa ta'ala knows best<3