Friday, June 3, 2022

My Loves

My loves
You have lifted me from my knees
Brought forth a strength I never knew I had.
The purest joys of my life
My soul rests in your little hands..
Those soft hugs and delicate caresses
Those little hands carry me all the way.
Heaven bound for you.


Still love me

Still love me..
When you can only come to hold my hand..
Love me when the words have quieted..
Only your eyes to whisper into mine.
As deep as your heart can see..

Still love me..
Because our promise is true.
Together standing the test of time..
This life in a blink of an eye..
Only love melted the pain..
Holding onto the Almighty's Promise

Still love me..
Because there's a place in my soul for only you.
I'll never love another in your place
Reaching for the highest Heaven..
Our ever lasting Grace.
