Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Stil have me

One day when I am gone..
The moment I leave this fleshy capsule..
You'll feel the physical ache deep in your heart, that of which physical loss brings our earthly being.
But in my heart of hearts, I do hope.

I hope you will remember me for what I am.

I am more than flesh and bones...
I live beyond this place we call home.
I live in my soul, I am thought, I am energy...
We are by His grace, transcendent

When this body tires of me,
It will be the only thing to leave.

You'll still have me.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Genuine love

They may throw pebbles, 
And they may throw stones.
They may judge based on their lie, on little they know.
They may try to dismiss our reality, based off their own.
Smoke and mirrors.

It matters not.

We have endured together and continue on this path.
We will always grow and only we truly know.
This love is not a show, its genuine and real..
And because we remember, and because its true..

We persevere.
