Friday, November 27, 2015


Coming from an INFJ:

The difference between us and them?

They strive and live for themselves.
We strive and live for us all.

In my head

Sometimes the hardest reality for me to come to terms with, is the fact that some of the experiences I crave in life, if I want to experience them, I must seek them out alone.
It's hard to imagine myself finding joy in doing these things in solitude, but waiting for it to come or waiting for another person to crave these with me, will surely be in vain.

I want to explore and experience this world,its surfaces, the nooks and crannies, hidden mom & pop shops, large book stores, cave or cove.. The perfect warm drink elixir  that seems to nourish your imaginative soul.

I want a friend that accepts me for more than what I may provide them in the small space of our homes. I crave that friend that wants to see the world, and we both bear witness to the wonders and pleasures of life lived.

Until then, I live in my head, whereas despite the quiet ache that makes its way to my bones, my mind takes me far, far away where no one truly knows.


Saturday, November 14, 2015


They with hearts of stone, keep throwing.
Like water, we keep flowing.
Their rough edges, in time will be no more
You are a drop in the ocean.
But together we are it's motion..


Accept yourself

For the most part we subconsciously seek happiness outwardly..through our relationships with other people and things. The real happiness comes from the contentment that can nestle in the deepest part of our soul. Where you can sit with yourself, with your own thoughts,entertain ideas, find solace and Truth.
To accept our true selves and live with integrity.

Be within'

There is soooo.. so much more to your being than what other's may perceive of you. And in the end it doesn't matter except that you see beyond what you view in the mirror. BE within' your heart and soul, and all else of the flesh and worldly matters, melt away..


It's one thing to realize that our actions/deeds have their ripple effects around us, but its another story to actually see that ripple take effect. May we always be humble, grateful and a source of light...ameen.




For the most part, we subconsciously seek happiness outwardly..through our relationships with other people and things. The real happiness comes from the contentment that can nestle in the deepest part of our soul. Where you can sit with yourself, with your own thoughts,entertain ideas, find solace and truth.To accept our true selves and live with integrity.



Saturday, November 7, 2015

Live it

I want to grow strong together
I want to go for slow walks and breathe in fresh air..
I want to relish the dirt and to wink at the sky..
I want to be in awe of all things nature..
I want to have picnics on a comfy blanket,reading a book, or playing a game
I want to live life beyond these walls.
I want to capture photos of laughter, deep thought and everything close up..
I want memories beyond our cushions and screens.

Life is so much more.
I want to live it, not watch it pass me by.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Love letter 2015

It was from the start, I was drawn in by your smile..
You possessed the soft laughing eyes I always longed for.
Your soul made your way into my heart before the conversation ever started.

At that moment I already loved you, whether I knew it or not.
Or better yet..
You entertained my idea of love.
And as time passed, our conversation grew and evolved.
But still, I wanted to love you more.
You filled my brain with hopes and desire.

Fast forward to our lives together.

I had realized what I had always instinctively knew.
That to love someone is in part nature..
And for the most part, a choice.
I choose the love of my life, every single day...
And through every hardship.
I choose love and the lesson.
The days of ease, the fruit of our labour.

This is where I can safely say our work that comes with maintaining a
relationship only gets easier.
Love has many forms, and it indeed continues to grow.
My love for you indeed is stronger than the first hypnotic moment I was in awe of you.
My desire for you is that much more, as there is a bond that is deeper than
the core.

Every single moment transcends me beyond this mortality.
I literally see and feel eternity with you..
For as long as I breathe, and for as long as I came to Be.
This existence is the one to live.
I'm forever grateful to be within' it, with you.
