Sunday, September 29, 2013

Can't contain Him in a box through an ideal..

Our Creator's love,mercy and guidance is truly greater than the limits some people try to impose on others. Allahu alim.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

What dreams do you chase?

Thankful for all the hard lessons in life, even whilst I still struggle on this path to knowledge... Its always easy to point out the good in the happy joyful moments, but what about the difficult? I'm grateful for them too because if it weren't for those lessons from pain, I wouldn't have come to appreciate, love and cherish what is most valuable to me in Life.  Its great to chase your dreams... Just don't forget to love and appreciate what you have NOW... as there is absolutely nothing that you can obtain in this world, that doesn't return to the earth's soil.  Striving for the unseen, and what is only felt right here in my HEART.... God Willing/ InshAllah <3 p="">


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Be nice!

Nice doesn't necessarily equate to being dumb,naive and gullible like some people choose to believe... no. It means choosing to be positive and choosing your battles wisely. Sometimes being nice is not saying anything at all and avoiding unnecessary drama and negative energy that only weighs ourselves down. Being nice is a form of charity.. Just because someone chooses to abuse that and view you as anything less, is not your burden to bear! Don't stop being nice. You're not just doing it for other people, but choosing your own happiness and positive reality.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


Soft rain..
Calming my heart's plea.

In the midst of darkness
Dark and still..
Soft drops on my window pane melodically sway me to sleep.

Soft rain cleanse away all my sorrows..
Your lullaby gently bringing me peace.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


Perplexed is the feeling..
To live my life in a state of limbo..
To have a sense of peace and contentment within' my own reality..
Yet, feel completely alienated and foreign within' the  reality
my society tries to create for me....
I'm lost yet I'm found.
Thick like fog the illusions surround me..
Clinging to the truth I hold in my heart...
Trying to hold onto my center, the truths that makes me who I am...
Living as a wanderer of the world..
Home is where the heart is..
Love,peace and justice know no borders...
Bittersweet it is to be where I am standing, yet I feel a part of me is not here...
I am there with him,soul of my soul...
How can I describe this feeling?
Here and now my body is merely a capsule with only half my being..
I'm very much with him in spirit..

Waiting for that moment when mind,body and soul are one again.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Keep me in a state of mind..

Sometimes on our path we don't have immediate answers, but as long as we continue to try our best Allah will guide our footsteps... I may not know the next turn my path will take, but I know my final destination.. IsA my living and dying are in a state of belief.... ameen.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Don't tred on me

In this worldly life its never an acceptation for oneself to step on others to get to the top... Not without the stain of blood.. In my life and in my small way, I refuse to accept it. Our father's are different, but our God/Allah/Creator/Source are the same.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Just a thought

The more we learn, the more aware we are of our limits and how much more humble we really should be... If we truly learned, we'd learn there is so much more than we can humanly understand.


Humble yourself and speak humbly

There is a huge difference between earning and accepting blessings humbly within' our lives, versus broadcasting and boasting your perceived privilege and accomplishments.

Speak less, act more.
