Friday, March 29, 2013

Selfish maybe

Sometimes I wonder to myself..
Why is it that some people tend to be selfish?
Is the selfish act in and of itself like a drug?
A drug to mask oneself from reality?..From responsibility?..
An escape from the pressures believed to be suffocating us..
We’re none of us alike so selfishness varies from one person
to the next, But whether its a random slip or a bad addiction..

Its an attempt to escape…
Unbeknownst to the selfish.


Me time, You time

Sometimes, just sometimes.. Giving someone space is actually allowing yourself a mini vacation. :)


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Live live to the fullest

No matter how far we try to reach our goals of worldly success.. Which ultimately is about Self..

There is nothing like the pure joy you feel when you make another soul happy. Whether it be aiding an animal in need, lending a helping hand to an elder or listening to a friend.

Real happiness doesn't come from what we can do for ourselves but what we can do for others. In the end the remedy comes full circle and it blossoms within' your heart.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

One Day

For all the sick suffering in the world of the innocent animals & of mankind... There will one day be Absolute Justice. I look forward to this day.


Friday, March 15, 2013


Sometimes we gotta except that we won't always hear the words 'I'm sorry'.. That there are times someones rage & anger although directed at you, is not because of you, But from the reality they carry within' themselves.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forever Living

No one will ever come close to understanding the treasure,the miracle I have nestled inside...
I don't desire exposing the truth to the world..
Perfectly content with our story left untold.
My very being, my secrets, my story safe guarded within' your heart
And it doesn't bother me in the very least to be invisible to the world.
As long as I am in your heart I will forever be content...
Souls bound together, I'm forever living.

These bodies will one day fade away..
But our love will never...

With you I'm forever living.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Beginnings

Allah answered my cries & unbeknownst to me was preparing me all along. Through trial and error I wasn't sure of which way to turn, But I knew that some how, some way He would show me. People think that finding their love is the final chapter to happily ever after... But finding you was just a beautiful new start. This blessing alone, has me forever grateful to Allah subhan wa ta ala. Alhamdulilah 


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Get it somewhere else

People get married for a reason.. So its a lot of damn nerve for people to try to intrude on that & try to take a piece of the cake. Go looking for your frosting elsewhere! :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013


We've all got goals,ambitions, wishes and dreams. In this system we're all on a one way climb to the top. Sometimes that's all we're looking forward to..That illusion of ultimate success, of never ever having to look back. Sometimes this fantasy is blinding. The rush can be exciting.. But its taking the time to look at it all. Sitting down and looking around at what is already around you. Appreciating what you have before its long gone and only a memory.

 I look forward to the seemingly small moments that take you by surprise. That unexpected smile or laugh from another. That feeling that you yourself can make someone else smile or laugh. The moment you realize something that can come so effortless to you may be of great help to another. The moments you can feel someone trust you enough to let their guard down. To tell someone you love them... To show someone just how much and they know you love them without your saying so. To give someone your time. To just sit and listen..Sit back and watch innocent animals and see how they are so much like us with souls,feelings and expressions..Doing something that will benefit others without any acknowledgment because you know to do good is to live good and all will come full circle. These moments are just a few examples of what really great moments are.. Feel the gentle calmness of these moments sooth over your heart.

We're all so busy in the pursuit of happiness and its funny to realize that's its always been here all along. Nothing is more accessible than the thoughts we have controlling the way we roll on in life.
Its our actions.. Its our outlook.. Its our choice.
We can be happy now. We just need to believe it..
 Just BE.
