Thursday, January 31, 2013

Finding peace

Sometimes the only peace we get, is in finding and maintaining a still calm within' ourselves..


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Call Me Crazy

I miss you so much more than what some would consider normal... But can we define normal? Call me crazy if my every heart beat clings all too much on your very breath and your nearness to me.. I can live with the definition of the ladder, just don't call me normal.

Crazy in love.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love letters

Love letters..

I spend my time reminiscing of him..
I'd spend my whole life attempting to convey the heart's adventure,
Its very core..
Writing of the merging of two souls....
The heights of pure happiness,passion and companionship..
And in the lows in which true love can sustain itself...
The blanket of a love woven with blood and sweat.

Love letters..
From me to him my whole life long.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Be true to yourself

Don't just do something because you see everyone else doing it. Do something because its something you personally take pleasure in. Its great to have dreams and goals, just make sure they are truly your own! Don't try to fit the mold.. Do yourself a favor, don't compare yourself to others! Stay true, be happy.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Love letter

Your love leaves me feeling so warm and cozy.. I'm addicted.
 Everything about your love is so soft, so loving..
Its the safest feeling in the world.
And its the only love I want to ever feel or experience in Jannah God willing.
They say that we have a great capacity to love in that if ever we're found alone again..
We'd need love from another.
I know in my soul,
I could never and would never love anyone, after loving you the way I do.
I pray we'll live together in our old age..
However Allah plans our paths..
I pray that the ultimate reward be that I'm blessed to have you with me in everlasting Life..
I promise you with all my heart that with or without you in this dunya..
I will always be with you in spirit..
And I will always be loyal and true to You.
It is also true that an undivided love for only ONE, is of great capacity....
Your love keeps me.

Ana behebak awi awi awi.... Allahu alim.


Thursday, January 10, 2013


There have been times..
I've found that doing the right thing..
Being true to yourself & your beliefs..
Not only can be difficult to do within' society,
But within' our own families as well.

There have been times..
I've felt that people will only be minutely satisfied..
As long as you are sitting pretty and agreeable..
Fitting their particular mold of what they think these should be...
Perhaps not even that would suffice.

I'm tired of the stereotyping and judgements from those
Who claim to be free of these..
Preaching without embodiment of the sentiments.
The hypocrisy..

I write more of the same in variants..
I write of experiences with people & circumstances..
People who make up our society..
Our families are apart of that weave that society is..

More often than not..
These trials hit close to home.


Saturday, January 5, 2013


When there is lack of respect,more often than not there is a violation of trust.

Its a hard lesson to learn..To not be able to hold people to a certain standard, when that respect & trust are stomped on. You don't always receive the sentiments you give. You learn to not have high expectations from others. You learn you can only be what you wish to see in the world. You learn to be content with your own actions.

It takes practice.



REAL respect,compassion,thoughtfulness and consideration..
Come with no strings attached.
These gems do not come at a price.

There are no expectations for the Self.


Nurture the light

Don’t let others take away the joy in what you believe in and practice in your life. You may be constrained or put limits on physically, But not of your spiritual thoughts.. At least if you do not allow it. Sometimes, the best of our intentions do not come to fruit as we desire, but in our minds we can still manifest these. Do not let the outside world change the goodness that is within’. Nurture that inner light,regardless the noise.

Sometimes the opportunity to show a kind gesture, is taken away by a false idea of entitlement!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

sometimes the biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.


free in a dream

How wonderful it would be..
To be able to do what you love..
Simply because you want to & because you can...
To wander the earth without constraint,feeding one's curiosity.
To be free...really free.

A wonderful dream indeed....



A lie is a lie. Whether spoken or unspoken..There's no changing the weight of that reality. We get what we give..Everything eventually comes full circle.

Allahu alim.
