Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Never falling

Your love envelopes my soul
A tender loving care thats nestled within my heart
Safer than the syllables one could say..
Your love has me floating, ascending always
Without even trying, we're winning..
Your love will never let me fall..
My heart's melting..
My soul lifting..



We took a chance
We got ourselves in for the ride
We were in it for the long haul.
Not afraid to dream..
Our dreams only we could catch
Here we are ..
Lookin' back, there's no second guessin'
We made it happen.
Takin' the high road and there's no gettin' off..

Then it was chance...

Today its destiny in full bloom.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Until then..

I remember your smile. I remember your laughing energy. I still feel your warmth. I still can hear your voice.. I can still see you. You're spirit is very much alive. You're impact lingers within' us for the rest of our days. For this beautiful truth, I'm forever thankful to Allah for having blessed me with the time you had with us. I'm going to smile, knowing full well that's what you're doing. I love you & I hope to also join our Creator when my time comes. Until then...Ameen.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Beautify Our Souls

The humbling moments you realize how very blessed you are, simply by looking to those that have nothing near what you do. It is true, we shouldn’t compare ourselves to those seemingly more well to do than ourselves, but to those that could very well use our help. May we find contentment in what we do have, and not in what we don’t. May we feel love & compassion for people & our Sustainer, versus the temporary & deceiving glitz of this life. Beautify our souls… Ya Rab, Ameen.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Find it now

Try to see the blessings in everything. Even more so when you're down and out.The food you eat, the air you breathe, your shelter,that beautiful flower,the birds chirping,ect... Especially the people in your life.. Be it family or stranger...OR a loyal pet that loves you unconditionally...If you seek it, you will find it. Therein' is a reward, if only we knew.

Don't allow yourselves to let these things go unnoticed, unappreciated & forgotten..

Do not wait for the pain of loss to bring you to this understanding. 



Friday, October 19, 2012

In a bubble?

At times it startles me how many people choose to live in their bubble.

Sleeping in bed with the aggressors because within' this bubble, they don't have to seek deeper,think deeper..No digging through the dirt, no exposing of the bones, stories told and untold. Its much easier to accept the mold,the status quo versus using one's mind, using one's voice and actions for Truth, love and humanity. God forbid they cross the borders they set up around themselves and see the Truth that is. That on the other side of the line are the many beautiful souls that deserve to live just as much as you & I. Souls that believe in humanity,despite their injustice. 

God forbid..for people to stop and look in the mirror and ask themselves if their views of love,compassion and humanity are within' a box? How much hate do they actually hold? Whether they are aware of it or not their reasoning comes with the feeling of superiority over others.  Are they putting limits to God's love over all His creation? How can they claim themselves more worthy of His Grace? This belief in of itself is problematic. When you hear someone spreading fear,hate,prejudice, self righteousness in their logic and with it, legitimizing this insidious way of behaving… Ask yourself why??? For some, love for humanity is easier in concept than actual practice... Because it means looking in the mirror and facing the not so pretty truth. We can not limit Love and Truth, But we can limit ourselves & our contribution to a peaceful society.

"O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware." Surah al-Hujurat 49:13 (male & female/adam & eve)


Sunday, October 14, 2012

In your hands

They say "You can't live with em' & you can't live without em".. Well for me its mostly a whole lot of I can't live without you. High on elation or down n' out frustrated, both stem from a need to be closer to you.

Only Allah knows just how much you make my blood flow, But you've got an insight like no other... You know me better than any other. My heart is in your hands.

Stay close to me, and I won't ever let you go.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

This body

This body

Sometimes the greatest trap I feel
Is this body.
My mind & my soul..
Feel and seek so much more than this flesh can hold.
If my flesh could tell my life’s story..
It would describe itself being of the likeness of a porcelain doll.
Holding its shape despite its many fractures.
Remedy & guidance, its glue.
Looking forward to feeling the ultimate reality.
Where there is no dimming the light of justice,love,truth and true freedom.
Free of this body.

Hunger within

Just as there are absolutely no words close to describing the joys of this life, there are none that can fully articulate the pains as well. We can only dream of Jannah. Imagination itself,they say has no limits, But its our very imagination of the Promise that is limiting.. My heart, my mind & my soul…Only He knows the hunger within’ me. Allahu alim.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


" How strong are you? The definition of strength varies among people. Some people believe that strength comes from being superior: winning all the time, making others lose, pointing out their weaknesses, and condescending them. They believe that strength comes from how much they don't fall. But true strength is not determined by how much weakness they don't have; it's determined by their strength to
embrace and accept their weaknesses. There is nothing wrong with being weak or wrong, or not knowing something. Because what really matters is how they acknowledge and accept these weaknesses and strive for improvement. A show of ignorance or an offensive response is merely to cover over their desperate need to hide and deny their weaknesses. It's easy to deny and to be seen as 'strong'. But they can't fight their inner desperation of such greed. It takes a ton of courage to accept. It takes true strength to admit mistakes, admit defeat, to overcome their inner desire to be superior.

It's okay to have weaknesses - because how we deal with them is what really determines our own genuine strength.

People portray their own reality. Sometimes these insecurities are projected onto you like described above, don't take it to heart...You don't have to accept it, But you can understand it.  Understanding other people's pain & reality, helps you change your own actions/reactions into positive ones. Don't take their monkey on your back...keep positive and you might help someone make their own reality positive as well. The saying is true, " Be the change you wish to see in the world " ...... So yeah!! Start with yourselves & watch your relationships improve. God willing.InshAllah


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Independence vs sacrifice

A life of independence versus a life of sacrifice.. Sometimes both go hand in hand, sometimes not. You see people that are in some degree, are about “self”..ones wants,needs,goals,comforts..ect. What about the people who are completely selfless? The backbone to a family, a moral society? What exactly is their independence? Independence from ego? Independence from the illusion of this dunya? Maybe the ultimate sacrifice is true independence.. Its a feeling that can be isolating and at times the reward not always immediate, but in the end its definitely everlasting.


Most High

Remember your self worth.
You're not an object of someone's whims...
You're not to be someones emotional or physical punching bag
You're more valued as a soul than anyone can ever convey
You're more than what people can make you feel..or limit you to.
You're not what people say..think...or treat of you.
You're so much more.
No matter how much you feel you're dragged down.
Remember your self worth.
Hold yourself with dignity & a love for the Most High.
Peace of mind is a state of mind, a way of thinking.
Be as you are..
Regardless of the noise outside your being.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Only You

Standing here in place.
My place being just where I stand.
Sometimes the path takes a curious turn
Sometimes the walk is easy..
Other takes all you have to keep standing.
The weight of the world feels daunting..
All you want is peace of mind, justice,fairness, equality
And most of all to feel complete happiness free from pain or fear.
To be freed of your shackles, whether they be from within' or outward..
Standing here in place..
Deep in my heart, to my very core
I know Your promise is True.
It is You Allah subhan wa ta a'la & only You that gets me through.


Just saying

Really..white lies can hurt just as much as a boldfaced lie. Just as much as avoiding mentioning the truth as if something never occurred or exists...can be just as bad as lying. Just be up front n' real with people & bypass the heartache you cause someone when they end up finding out the truth for themselves. Be it by accident or not.

Just saying.


Be yourself

Sometimes people who aren't entirely comfortable in their own skin, will judge you in yours! Its astonishing the people that have the nerve to vocalize their judgements when something is non of their business,and or on top of it all, they don't know your facts.. Who are we to go around labeling people? Telling someone they're not worthy, fat or even skinny,ect?? Don't let yourselves take what people say about you to heart, whether if its to your face or behind your back. Don't seek their acceptance or acknowledgment, seek Allah's. With that being said, let it roll off your back, live YOUR life! Allahu Alim♥


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A dream I escaped

These dreams..
These visions..
A lesson within a time capsule..
It never dies out.
Reoccurring visions of you.

My subconscious holds onto our story
A cautionary tale.
An emotion that always takes me back
Taking on many portrayals..
The scenario remains.

The illusion I once believed,
still tries to deceive me.
The hand is offered,
The lurer tries to pull me in.
The chimera well concealed

Cautious but steadfast
I turn away from you
In the end my truest is always waiting for me.
To my truest I always make my safe return..

In actuality,substance & truth..
I take counsel..

These dreams remind me of what I already know to be true.
