Saturday, March 31, 2012

This year

So much has happened within' one year..Within' my life & the ones I love near & far.. Praise be to Allah that I am able to reflect back on these days....Praise be to Allah for the life I'm breathing... Alhamdulilah for every moment of our lives that can shape us to be our better selves... Let us not forget to give thanks and not loose sight of what's good. InshAllah..



Do not mistake me for what I am not..
Do not be fueled by my quiet demeanor
My quiet reserve does not render me weak.

Thinking and contemplating are better than
words of only sound..
My life & everything in it,I hold near & dear..
And to preserve it
An aura of mystery I prefer to remain..

It is a rare chance to relate to someone of similar disposition.
When you do..
You will find that all said & done takes blossom through the eyes.

I cherish these qualities in people..
Such a rare find...and to them, mashAllah.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Grateful for it all

Truly grateful for every moment of my life that has led me to this very spot I’m standing. Some moments sweet, some that burned..Grateful for it all… The ups and the downs..There are so many blessings one cannot deny.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

In our hearts

All the glitz & glamour of this world combined.. Doesn't mean as much as the love you get from friends & family.
What we would give of ourselves.. just to have someone near & dear to our hearts, back with us...

Ya Rab


Monday, March 12, 2012

You have a choice

There's no such thing as being too Positive..
Good is good & you can't change it..
Just like Truth & Light.. You can not pick a shade of it, or alter it.

There's nothing wrong with being Optimistic & Hopeful..

Only when we can imagine,strive & have confidence for whats best...
Can these positive changes actually happen.

In fact they happen all the time..
Its whether or not we choose to see it!!

So don't stop dreaming..
Don't stop smiling..

We've got the power of choice,alhamdulilah


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lets not judge

Never judge a person for face value.. even after a conversation..because you never know what is in the heart & in it it's intentions! We're all at different points of the path... InshAllah, we can see the best in everyone, despite what we may think or feel. Our perspective is just THAT. A perspective♥

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Be happy

We can get so caught up with the idea of love itself, we miss its true calling. True love does take sacrifice, But with the intention being mutual, its not so much to give of yourself..Like the saying of "my cup runneth over". When this is true it's not so hard to give. At least there would be something to show for. It's not the sort, you're stringing yourself to a post waiting for the flame, or laying your head down on the chopping block. No its not that type of sacrifice!

Sometimes to love is to let go.. A sacrifice that takes new form...From letting yourself deteriorate slowly within'.. To taking that leap of faith & just cutting off the *ahem*.. "frost bite" for the betterment of all. Most of the time we know, we get the instinct all the time.. Its a matter of escaping one's denial.. After all is said & done..Words are words & actions say it all.
That being said..we can be happy if we decide to be!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Noo regrets

Don’t let yourself have regrets over people that have in one way or another, made you the person you are today. There should always be room in your heart to forgive,just don’t forget the lesson that comes with every experience. Smile & carry on living!! Keep making them ripples.. Just thank God for everything! Alhamdulilah