Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tone It Down!

Modesty isn't just about your 'outward' self... Its a sate of mind. May we all achieve this modesty,humility & be humbled in our everyday lives. InshAllah.


Monday, February 20, 2012


I love you & miss you.. We all do. You've made such a positive impact on each & every one of us, in your own sweet beautiful way. The contagious laughter that put anyone at ease.. A shoulder to lean on.. and most of all your unconditional love & support you gave in open & even in private. The efforts you made to bring comfort to those around you & to bring family together, never will be forgotten. What you've given us shows in every single soul you've touched to this very day.. and those ripples you started, will never end. You're blessed & for having had you in my life, I am too. Thank You for everything Kim.♥

To Allah we belong and to Him is our return..
Rest in peace Kimchi


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dream I couldn't shake

Dreamed about a dear friend I rarely get to talk to anymore. No matter how many times I woke up & tried to shake it off, I kept dreaming. You're always wearing that cloak of mystery. Here's a (f)flower to you.



Sunday, February 12, 2012


It may momentarily seem that you can just run away from your problems..
But, every moment in this Life is a true test of faith.

How hard are we willing to believe?
How hard are we willing to put our faith into action?

We can't run away from reality..
We can't escape ourselves.

We can confront our nafs..
We can change our outlook on Life itself
And our place in it..

Sometimes the hardest confrontation, is with ourselves.


Keep me going..

Thank you ya Allah..
For everything...
For this feeling instilled inside my heart..
This glimpse of You.
For a Faith that keeps me going..



Saturday, February 4, 2012


If we weren't so heavily tied to the things we have & own..
From the excess shopping to even the homes we own.

Imagine being free from all 'THINGS'..
Being free enough to roam the world..
Without being tied down to the upkeep & storing of these 'THINGS'

Imagine the doors that would open & the opportunities that would arise
Living, loving, appreciating without borders..
Without confinement..

Imagine being able to take a walk anywhere in the world..
The friends we could make!



Sometimes those we hold near & dear to us,
Will at times & in some way hurt us..
Even unintentionally.
It can be difficult not to take it to heart..
We naturally want to please, feel acknowledged, be accepted and most of all..
To be understood.
But no one by any imagination,comes closer to oneself than..
Allah Subhan Wa Ta'ala.

The latter ultimately lies in remembrance of Him..


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

There is no understanding the evils of this world.
Just as the empty vessel makes the most sound,
The evil that persists, leaves one internally & completely void.
