Sunday, July 24, 2011

I don't want any part of it

Life IS short. Its shorter than most like to believe it is and they waste their time on the superficial/self-indulgent/rub​bish. Life...Get it right. Make it right to the best of your capabilities. If we were to die at this very moment, can we live with our choices and actions? I have no time to judge/hate or filly dally about with human error and its distractions.
The small things everyone in this world dwells in... I've just got no time for.
I .don't .want .any .part .of. it.


"To Allah we belong & to Him is our return"

Today, my cousin didn’t pass away..She moved on to a better place. She had a long and hard struggle on her path, But it didn’t keep her from being all that she could be. For as much as there were times she felt weak,she was strong. Very strong and very loving. I grieve because I will miss her and I am but human..But, I will focus on the positive, the Truth that Is. She made many beautiful memories and gave us all so much love. A genuine love that you don’t forget. I won’t forget how much you’ve helped me Kim. I won’t forget you. Your love and your life continues to make ripples in our lives. I only hope that our paths meet in Jannah/Heaven. “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return” Until then.. I love you and I miss you.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Think Outside The Box..

True through & through..InshAllah
No matter my geographical footing.
I dedicate not to man or nation,
But Allah Alone.

Respect and love to all of His creation..
Life, love, peace and dignity to all
Regardless your skin,denomination or geographical location.
We are all brothers and sisters under Allah subhan wa ta'ala.
Shouldn't we want for others what we want for ourselves?

Don't let others restrict you to the box of superiority and self-entitlement..
Why should love and compassion be contained within' borders?
Don't restrict your love & life to this box..
Allah's will for us surpasses this.

Wake your mind & escape the prison.
